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亲爱的朋友只得各奔东西。And the dear friends have to part.

五月,曲终人散,六月,各奔东西。In may June finalizing every rushthing.

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也许,我们各奔东西。Or we each go straight towards the things.

曾经我们不离不弃,如今我们各奔东西。Once we performing, now we each rush thing.

毕业后我们班的同学就各奔东西了。After graduation my classmates drifted apart.

彼时的不离不弃,已变成今日的各奔东西。That time has become today's Gebendongxi never abandon.

亚瑟死后,圆桌骑士各奔东西。The Round Table broke up following the death of Arthur.

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朋友只是短暂激动的相逢,而后平静的各奔东西。Friend just short of excited to meet, then calm each rush thing.

毕业的这一天,也是大家各奔东西的开端。Graduation this day, but also all the beginning of each rush thing.

自从火烧少林寺后,南少林派五老亦各奔东西。Shaolin Temple since the fire, the South Shaolin sent five old has parted.

也许我们相守到老,也许我们各奔东西。Perhaps our life and death is made , Or we each go straight towards the things.

他们望著空白的墙,揣想著他们的前景将会是各奔东西。They were facing a blank wall with the imminent prospect of going their separate ways.

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缪虽然我和你各奔东西,但是我和你的友情不会就此消失。Although I are each to rush the thing with you, I will not disappear now with your friendship.

可是如果试婚失败,我们就决定各奔东西,在纽约追求各自的事业。But if not, we're determined to go our separate ways, and each seek our own career in New York.

初中毕业后大家各奔东西,哈社也就这样解散了。With the approaching of graduation all the members became respectively and the society had to be dismissed.

但是现在说着说着,我们转眼就要各奔东西了,还有一个学期我们就要毕业了,但是到了高中我们还的在一起吗?But now spoke, we turn to each rush thing, and a semester we leave school, but at high school we have together?

你们各奔东西吧,等感情冷却下来之后,看看是否还可能作朋友。You should each make your own lives, and when emotions have cooled, see if there's a possibility of friendship.

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但当彼此的魔力渐渐消失后,当生活不断继续,你们慢慢的各奔东西,失去了联系后,你还会有这样的感觉吗?But what happens when the magic is gone? What happens when life happens and you slowly lose touch and get out of synch?

可为什么就不可能是克林顿夫妇在公众生活又将各奔东西时重新认识了这段30年的感情呢?But why should it not be possible for the Clintons to rediscover a mutual affection 30 years in, just as their public lives begin to diverge?

但现代社会中很多家庭成员为生计、为发展,各奔东西,平时难得一聚。But member of a lot of families in modern society is bread, to develop, each go straight towards a thing, get together inaccessibly at ordinary times.