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在反对种族歧视的斗争中我会绝对尽心尽力。I am very committed in the fight against racism.

窃以为斑竹已经尽心尽力了。I think that the webmaster makes out already very good.

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言信一致,尽心尽力,效忠国家,献身社会。Words, the best letter, loyalty, and dedicated society. State.

只要你尽心尽力,你就会重新夺得何时你找到了它。As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

因为斑竹为网一尽心尽力做了很多事,却没有获取任何一点回报。Because mottled bamboos did much for W. Y. T but access nothing.

金隆的成功,有赖才干卓越,尽心尽力的员工。Kinglony 's success depends on talent excellence, dedicated staff.

对于已经降临到我们身边的事,我们就接受它,将之尽心尽力的做好。We just accept the befalling on us and try our best to do it well.

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心平尽心尽力的照料,终令雷蕾深受感动。Heart draws to care, to the best of the end for LeiLei was deeply moved.

谢谢你们尽心尽力地帮助,祝贵报越办越好!Thank you for your dedication to help Zhugui reported better and better!

感谢“达鸿人力仲介有限公司”高文成先生,尽心尽力的帮助。Thanks for "Hong Da ManPower Agency" to help to the best of his ability.

老师对他的教育帮助可谓尽心尽力。It may be said that the teacher has done his very best to educate and help him.

她尽心尽力陪侍生病的奶奶,奶奶夸她是个好孩子。She takes good care of her sick grandma, and was praised by her as a good child.

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我只是希望吃得饱,穿得暖,而尽心尽力地写文章。I simply hope to have enough to eat and wear so as to dedicate myself to writing.

曾经做过对外汉语老师的我一定会尽心尽力的给你们带来别有风味的汉语课程。I have been a Chinese teacher for foreigners before I will give you fantastic classes!

我是很久很久以前,曾经让你们借住一晚,还尽心尽力用猎物来款待你们的人。I'm the man who let you sleep at my place for a night and treated you with my best food.

阳光下,我将继续挥汗如雨,尽心尽力地走自己的拼搏之路。The sun, I will continue to the best of their ability to follow our own path of struggle.

每一位管理人员应该培训和激励员工,使他们尽心尽力,作出最大的贡献。Every manager must train and motivate his staff to maximise their contribution and potential.

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希望大主教能带头领导,我们将尽心尽力追随。I hope Your Most Reverend will take the lead and we shall do our best to follow in this work.

导演迈克尔·艾普特说,“56岁的时候,那些为家庭尽心尽力的人,都得到了很大的回报。”"At 56, for people who put energy into families, there was a big payback, " said Michael Apted.

我公司全体员工愿为国内外用户尽心尽力的服好务!All staff of the company, I wish to domestic and international user of dedication to serve better!