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喝水,就要支持水网!Drink water and support it!

境内水网交织,物产丰饶。Intertwined within the water network, and products of richness.

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科洛桑的水网熔化极地冰,把水输送到全球各地。Coruscant's water network melts polar ice and pipes the water across the planet.

陆上山地、丘陵、台地、平原,为纵横交错的水网分划。Mountain land, hills , plateaus, plains, criss-crossing the water network division.

最后提出了生态型水网进一步研究的内容和方向。At last some research targets and aspects on the ecology-oriented water network are suggested as well.

方法利用水滴、水网、水膜和气泡除去空气中有害物质。Methods Harmful substances in air were disposed of by using blob, water net, water film and air bubble.

我国南方圩区土壤肥沃,水网密布,资源丰富。The southern polder area of China has fertility soil, variegated rivers and plentiful natural resources.

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扬州枕淮水,踏长江,抱运河,城里城外,水网纵横,素有水上都会之誉称。Yangzhou originates Huaihe Rive and ends in Changjiang River. There are a lot of canals within this city.

从这里看起来象是一片水网,无疑地,这些水都从地下泉眼直通到河里。It looked there like a network of liquid threads which doubtless reached the river by some underground drain.

而淀浦河、新通波塘的纵横交错使得赵巷水网交织,自然环境十分优美。And Dianpuhe, new-wave crosscutting makes Zhao Tong Lane water network are, very beautiful natural environment.

我国许多沿江、沿海城市处于地势低平、排水条件很差的平原水网地区。Many coastal and river cities are located on the lowland plain areas where are with poor water discharge condition.

目的了解水网地区日本血吸虫病流行程度及流行特征。Objective To study epidemiologic features and degree of endemicity of Schistosomiasis Japonica in water net region.

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建立了基于遗传多目标优化的人工水网自动选取模型。A man-made river network elimination model based on multi-objective optimization by genetic algorithms is developed.

介绍了西气东输管道工程在水网地区采用大口径管道施工的特点及方法。The characteristic and technique of large diameter pipeline in West-to-East Gas Project in waters area are introduced.

太湖流域是典型的平原水网地区,区域内河道纵横交错,湖泊星罗棋布。Taihu Lake Basin is a typical place of plain water system areas, rivers crisscrossing the region, scattered with lakes.

该年霍乱流行主要是沿运河水网及交通路线传播,同时随着人的交往移动传播各地。The cholera epidemic mainly disseminated along waters and traffic routes, as well as the communicatation between people.

本文报道了采自黑龙江省的水网藻科植物3属11种19变种。In the present paper, 3 genus 11 species 19 variety of Hydrodictyaceae collected from Heilongjiang province are reported.

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试验发现,土工网芯较大地影响了含土工复合排水网衬里的界面剪切特性。It is found that the presence of drainage nets has an important effect on the shear strength of interfaces with geocomposite.

解读蓝图,图纸和说明书用来配置管道系统,给水网,污水排水系统。Read blueprints, drawings and specifications to determine layout of plumbing system, water supply network and waste and drainage systems.

特别是对在江南水网地区进行大管径长输管道建设提出了一些新的建议和思考。Some suggestions and considerations are put forward for construction of long-distance and large-diameter gas pipeline in water net areas.