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运行效用。Run the utility.

雾笛效用试验。Function test of fog horn.

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他指的效用是什么呢?What did he mean by utility?

预期效用理论That is expected utility theory.

打算是分析更多效用。Desgin is comtraying more functions.

这个函数给出了“总”效用。This function gives "total" utility.

客房任事部,能为您效用吗?Room Service. Whfor can I do for you?

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美的效用劫得一干二净!And every beauty robbed of his effect.

房舱风机效用试验。Cabin suply fan to be done function test.

奎纳克林已在动物身上显现某些效用。Quinacrine has shown some efficacy in animals.

破坏会效用超出一分钟。The damage is applied over a one-minute period.

这样做会使得你已经肯定了的好的想法失去效用。This will neutralize the good you have affirmed.

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海精灵的六分仪有什么效用?What can you use the Sextant of the Sea Elves for?

航行试验中计程仪效用试验及误差调整。Function test and adjust error for log on sea trial.

用劳动负效用替代闲暇效用。Labor Disutility in substitution of Leisure Utility.

栓剂是目前为止最有效用哦。Suppositories are known to be the most effective choice.

这是世界上最有效用对抗流感的方法。This is the most powerful anti-flu medicine in the world.

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航行试验中组装报务台效用试验。Two sample parallelepipeds are located in the test section.

有很多种不同的球类运动有此效用。There are many different ball games that can do this for us.

这种减肥药没有效用,我仍旧肥得像只猪。This diet pill is ineffective , I'm still as fat as a piggy!