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她的弱点?Her weakness?

知道你的弱点。Know your weaknesses.

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这可能是我最主要的弱点了。It's my main vice probably.

这是一个潜在的弱点。That is a potential weakness.

你应清楚自己的弱点。You should know your weakness.

在弱点和失败上痴缠。Dwell on weakness and failures.

这个国王只有一个致命的弱点。The king had only one weakness.

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找出你的弱点。Identify the weakness. 'Fess up.

我们都有小的弱点。We all have our little weakness.

不错,虚荣的确是个弱点。Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed.

美国的强处和弱点。American strengths and weaknesses.

东方龙传说中的弱点是什么?What were their rumored weaknesses?

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这指的是另一弱点。This points to another vulnerability.

考虑其优势和弱点。Consider its strengths and weaknesses.

人性的弱点之一是懒惰。Lazy is one of the foible in humanity.

如果易趣网购是你的弱点,不要上线。If eBay is your weakness, don't log on.

他的文章中也贯穿了一种对于人类弱点的包容。So does an acceptance of human frailty.

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正手回球是我最大的弱点。Forehand return is my greatest weakness.

不过这种红外探测方法也有弱点。The method has other weaknesses as well.

我们可能只看到自己作为弱点的弱点。We may only see our failing as weakness.