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这次搜索的区间。Notice the printout here.

因此答案并不在这个区间。So it wasn't on the region.

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在中间有一个完整的区间。But, there's a whole range in between.

我们刻画了无套利区间。We characterize arbitrage-free interval.

区间公共汽车将游客载至迪尼斯乐园。The buses shuttle visitors to Disneyland.

也有区间巴士和豪华大轿车。There are also shuttle buses orlimousines.

一顶飞行伞有著非常有限的速度区间。A paraglider has a very limited speed range.

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静态或动态只是连续区间中的点。Static and dynamic are points on a continuum.

您在酒吧的消费通常都再以下哪个区间内?How much do you usually consume in a bar or club?

所以在这个区间内我最佳对策是中So over here, my best response is to choose Middle.

这样的数据显示,经济没有滑入衰退区间。This data refuses to slip into recession territory.

本文采用区间层次分析法来解决这一问题。In this paper, IAHP was used to solve this question.

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预期分项指数料从7月终值的62.3升至63.7.预估值区间为59.8-68.0.It ended July at 62.3. Forecasts range from 59.8 to 68.0.

此项调查的误差区间为正负5个百分点。The survey's margin of error was plus or minus 5 percent.

连续区间中的每个点都有一套自已的折衷方式。Each point in the continuum has its own set of trade-offs.

误差区间为正负3个百分点。The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.

定义了区间线性规划的标准型。A standard form of interval linear programming was defined.

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目前仍没有迹象棉花可以摆脱区间震荡格局。There is still no sign of cotton out of rangebound pattern.

前几天讲的缠师的那张区间套图。A few days ago about division of the interval Taotu wrapped.

组织长、短期策划的时间区间是怎样的?What are your short- and longer-term planning time horizons?