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他伙同那个窃贼抢劫银行。He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.

她伙同那些粗野的男孩对付我。She ganged up on me with those rough boys.

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他身不由己地围着她那一伙同道团团转,一转就是一个月。He drifts around on the outskirts of her group for a month.

那些黄色工人的官僚们伙同老板一起对付工人。The scab union bureaucrats lined up with the bosses against the workers.

官方称这名前球星伙同他人偷走了体育纪念品。Authorities say the former football star was in a group of people that stole sports memorabilia.

不过,并不清楚被释放的三人中是否也有人伙同谋害了那两名女性。However, it is not clear if some of the freed women were themselves complicit in the murder of the two other girls.

接着博兹就将被迫与那个家伙同处一船——他还将被事先告知博兹身患病疡、受了重伤,还或许得了精神病。Then Boz would be stuck with another person—a person who had been told he was ill, injured, or had mental problems.

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检查官害怕韩滉报复,伙同韩滉继续欺骗皇帝。Hwang Korean prosecutors are afraid of retaliation, along with South Korea to continue to deceive the Emperor Hwang.

待秦琼和杨林一走,程咬金伙同尤俊达在路上拦住了杨林,报上了姓名之后。To QinQiong and Yang ling a walk, cheng bite gold YouJunDa group on the road stopped Yang ling, the newspaper after the name.

美国官员说,结果,他们根本不知道帕迪拉到底是单枪匹马,还是在美国有一伙同党。As a result, U.S. officials say, they simply do not know whether Padilla was a lone wolf, or had a network of confederates in America.

目前他收押在纽约的监狱中,检方指控他伙同他人盗取全球多达4千万用户的信用卡帐户信息。He is already being held in jail in New York, accused with others of stealing the credit identities of about 40 million people worldwide.

与此相反,在2005年的饥荒中,坦贾先生指责联合国机构伙同反对派败坏他的名声。In the 2005 famine, by contrast, United Nations agencies were accusedby Mr. Tandja of collaborating with the opposition to discredit him.

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舅母伙同“造反兵团”拉拢腐蚀小帆,唆使他成了“造反派”的典型,炸毁了铁桥。Aunt in collusion with " rebellious corps " hook in corrodes little sail, abet he was become " rebel group " typical, blew up iron bridge.

与前两款所列人员勾结,伙同贪污的,以共犯论处。Whoever conspires with the persons listed in the preceding two paragraphs to engage in embezzlement shall be punished as an accomplice in the crime.

体格大如家鼠的巨型蟑螂,伙同蝎子、毛茸茸的褐色狼蛛,与其他无数只体型稍小的昆虫一起,惶惶逃命。Giant cockroaches the size of house mice, together with scorpions and fuzzy-brown tarantulas , run for their lives along with myriad smaller insects.

34岁的窃贼王某在接受警方调查时还承认自己最近伙同朋友从当地墓地里盗取了一个女尸。The thief, Wang Tsou, 34, was taken in forquestioning – where he confessed to also stealing the body of a young womanfrom the local cemetery with his friends.

这部书说的是民国年间,湘西军阀罗老歪伙同卸岭盗魁陈瞎子一同进瓶山发元墓。This book said is roc years, xiangxi warlord ROM old slanting colluding with discharge ridge stolen pq Chen blind together enter bottles mountain hair yuan"s tomb."

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这位不幸的母亲伙同女儿及其助手利用网络对一名十三岁少女进行了人身攻击,直接促使该少女自杀,她因此而受到起诉。A misery mother was accursed of conspiring with her daughter and her assistant to harass a 13 year-old girl on the Internet, allegedly precipitating the teen's suicide.

为寻找失踪的前妻,一名英国男子不惜伙同他人绑架并残酷折磨自己的前大舅子,并最终用电锯将其杀害肢解。To search for the missing ex-wife, together with others, at a British man kidnapped and tortured by his former Da Jiuzi brutal, and ultimately dismembered with a chainsaw to kill.

据悉,2007年12月,警方拘捕了这12人并发现,过去的两年,这12人伙同国际蛇头,成功将13名偷渡客运送出国。The 12 succeeded in transporting 13 illegal immigrants abroad in collusion with international illegal immigration brokers over the past 2 years before they were caught in December 2007.