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其他的商店都是二流的。Other stores are second-rate.

第二选择还是二流选择?Second choice or second-class?

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我只是找了份二流的工作。I've just got some terrible two-bit job.

这真像是一部二流电视剧。It was really like a second-rate TV drama.

中国的海空军只是二流货色。The Chinese are second rate sailors and airmen.

关于二流心理游戏的报道在哪里?Where is the story about second-rate mind games?

我对这个铁十字感兴趣,二流货,原物。I'm interested in an iron cross second class . an original.

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你觉得你自己只是个二流的货色,而且你永远不可能成为一流的。You think you're second-rate and there's nothing you can do.

一流的剧本,二流的演员,三流的表演演。A, first-rate script, second-rate actor, third-rate performance.

有太多的麻痹大意和二流管道。There's just a lot of ignorance and second-rate piping out there.

很多时候,它只让一些二流演员来再现场景。Most of the time re-enactments are performed by second-rate actors.

电视观众只能将就着看一下已经看厌了的重播节目和二流电影。Viewers will have to make do with tired re-runs and second-rate movies.

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谁甘愿做二流三流?那就争取做一流!Who is willing do second-class 3 stream?That is striven for do top-ranking!

这家公司的接待区让我觉得这是家二流的公司。The reception area gave me the impression that the company was a two-bit firm.

这样的安排使得属性在模式验证中扮演了二流角色。This arrangement bumps attributes into a second-class role in schema validation.

四流人才、三流管理、二流设备、一流客户。Fourth-rate talents, third-rate management, second-rate facilities, first-rate clients.

这是本二流小说,因为当情节发展时读者的兴趣却在减弱。This is a second-rate novel, because the readers' interest lags when the plot develops.

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她的画作跟她同时代一些人比起来,只算得二流作品。Her paintings are second-rate productions, alongside those of some of her contemporaries.

技术虽然领先,但公立中小学学生的数学和科学水平只能算作二流。Our technology is strong, but American public schools are second-rate in math and science.

四流人才、三流管理、二流设备、一流客户。Fourth-rate talents, third-rate management, second-rate facilities, and first-rate clients.