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复习时要目标明确,决不能无的放矢。When revising you need clear targets – never be aimless.

创作它们的作者,本来不可能是在无的放矢。The author who composed them must have created them intentionally.

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西方经济学家从稀缺性出发对马克思的批评是无的放矢。Criticism of scarcity from economists against Marx is not well grounded.

也就是说,他们在语调学习上处于无的放矢的状态。In other words, their goal in learning intonation is not clearly defined.

适度是指提供信息要有针对性和目的性,不要无的放矢。Information supply should be target-oriented and purposeful without blind behaviors.

批评者中并不乏一些怪人和阴谋家,但他们的批评并非无的放矢。Many of the critics may be crackpots and conspiracy theorists, but they have a point.

知道,兰特纳在印度教圣人,几乎是神圣的地位的,不会是无的放矢。Know, Lan Tena saints in Hinduism, there are almost divine status, will not be pointless.

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适度是指提供信息要有针对性和目的性,不要无的放矢。Moderate refers to that providing information should be targeted and purposeful, not random.

更糟糕的是,如果他们的上网本也使用Linux系统,这意味着微软的Office将无的放矢。Making matters worse, if Linux is used on those netbooks, it means that Microsoft Office isn't.

事实上,所有您花费在平衡事业和家庭上的精力都是无的放矢。In fact, all that energy you spend trying to balance your career and family may be a distraction.

每个人都知道,每个人都能看见,每个人都可能曾经经验到,我的真理论述在这里,并非是自由联想、无的放矢。Everyone knows, everyone can see, everyone can have experienced, that my discourse, of course, here, is not one of free association.

苏格兰启蒙运动的自由主义与英格兰和法国自由主义之间存在差异,而这些批评对苏格兰自由主义其实是无的放矢。Rather, these criticisms are not fully aware of homemade long in the Scottish Enlightenment thinkers in the liberal tradition appears achievements.

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有些人认为梦纯粹是无稽之谈,仅仅是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的结果。而另一方面,有些人甚至能从最简单的梦中推断出极为重要的寓意。Some people believe that dreams are total nonsense, merely the result of the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain, while on the other hand, some.

请留意,经文中的信徒并非无的放矢地祷告,反之,他们是确切地为到彼得的安危代求,而神最终亦垂听和应允了他们的祷告。They were not praying general prayers which went round the world and back again. They were praying definitely for Peter ? a particular person ? and God heard and answered.

除少数特殊用途,除美术系,200多部,往往是无的放矢而痛苦的,因为我们的生产装置,并不见得能够使用更多。Except for a few special purposes, and except for Line art, more than 200 dpi can often be pointless and painful, because our output devices are not likely to be able to use more.

我们很容易一意孤行,还认为按着自己的方式与本能所做的事,总是正确无误,不偏不倚。即便事实是我们「正中红心」的生活,根本是无的放矢。It's easy to live our lives doing what we want and thinking that our ways and instincts are right on target when in reality our "bull's-eye" shots at life are not on target at all.

这样可以提高文章的质量,一方面要提供一些新的想法和看法。另一方面避免离国情太远、无的放矢。Can improve the quality of the article so, want to offer a few new think of a way and view on one hand. Avoid to leave national condition on the other hand too far, shoot at random.

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但是,很容易指出,一些其他创新根本无的放矢,或者吹来横祸,比如拍卖利率证券和债务抵押债券。But it's easy to point to other innovations that serve little purpose or that blew up and caused a lot of collateral damage, such as auction-rate securities and collateralized debt obligations.

但是,很容易指出,一些其他创新根本无的放矢,或者吹来横祸,比如拍卖利率证券和债务抵押债券。But it’s easy to point to other innovations that serve little purpose or that blew up and caused a lot of collateral damage, such as auction-rate securities and collateralized debt obligations.

比较文学的危机根本原因在于它的无的放矢和空洞天物,要改变这种状况必须首先确立它的学科定位,并以重新关注人和人的命运激活它的研究活力。The cause of crisis in comparative literature lies in its aimlessness and emptiness. It is necessary to establish its course orientation and to care about the human life to change the situation.