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秦公使等还回答了记者们的提问。Minister Qin also answered questions from the journalists.

公使发表这番长篇宏论的时候,斯鲁特一直咬着他那熄了火的烟斗。Slote was chewing on his cold pipe during the minister's tirade.

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资讯以全权公使要将反恐进行到底。Information to be Minister Plenipotentiary in the end to terrorism.

请清国驻英公使向女王递交国书。Please cease the English minister presents testimonial to the queen.

钟离上前和美国公使跳起了舞,何芸上前掩护她。Clock from the forward dancing and American envoy, He Yun to cover her.

不久后这个阿訇和其他的清真寺公使来了。Shortly after this the imaun and the other ministers of the mosque arrived.

公使举办的这个不吉利的庆祝会要夺去我的欢乐,并且把您的话儿打断了。This luckless fete at the ambassador's deprives me of a pleasure and interrupts you.

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担任美国驻巴黎首任公使时,富兰克林声誉极盛。In Paris, where he was the first American minister, Franklin became enormously popular.

二十世纪20年代时任中国驻英国的公使是顾维钧,是我非常敬仰的一位外交家。In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.

于是,清国第一任海外公使递交国书的过程就结束了。Hence, pure country the first term oversea minister present credential of the process ended.

刘锡鸿是中国近代史上首位驻外副使,同时也是首位驻德公使。He was the first vice-embassador and the first embassador of staying Germany in Qing Dynasty.

二十世纪20年代时任中国驻英国的公使是顾维钧,是我十分敬佩的一位外交家。In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to the UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.

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遏制在俾路支省发生的人道危机将公使促成伊朗解放变得容易一些。Preventing a humanitarian crisis in Balochistan would make convincing Iran to liberalize much easier.

感谢大家出席今天的招待会,与我们一道欢送陈晓东公使,欢迎秦刚公使。Thank you for joining us in bidding farewell to Minister Chen Xiaodong and welcoming Minister Qin Gang.

钟离称机从公使衣兜里拿走了钥匙,然后迅速进房间里找到了文件。Bell said the machine from the minister pocket took the keys, then quickly into the room to find the file.

巴拉圭的公使亚德拉来到杉林大爱园区,帮忙铺起连锁砖。Paraguayan Embassy Minister Adela Jimenez de Perez lays interlocking bricks at the Shanlin Da Ai Community.

我的同事秦刚即将赴英国出任中国驻英大使馆公使。My colleague Qin Gang will soon go to the UK and take his new post as Minister at the Chinese Embassy in the UK.

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陈兰彬是清季首任留学生监督和首任驻美公使。Ih the Qing Dynasty, Chen Lanbin, the first proctor of Chinese students studying abroad and the first China's envoy in U.

大使馆杨子刚公使、尤少忠公使衔参赞、陈雄风参赞兼总领事等也出席了开幕式。Minister Yang Zigang, minister counselor You Shaozhong, counselor and consul general Chen Xiongfeng were also present at the festival.

那些带有徽章的法国贵族院议员和公使的车辆可以在大路中央自由来往。The carriages of the peers of France and of the Ambassadors, emblazoned with coats of arms, held the middle of the way, going and coming freely.