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它就像是麻风病人的身体。It is like the body of a leper.

她们是21世纪的麻风病人。They are the 21st century's lepers.

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以利沙,难道没有犹太麻风病人吗?Are there are no Jewish lepers,Elisha?

然而麻风病人也一句话都没有回答他。But the leper answered him not a word.

你难道不能救一个善良的犹太麻风病人吗?Couldn't you take a nice Jewish leper to heal Elisha?

楚门解释,毕竟麻风病本身并非一种旺盛的疾病。"Leprosy is not a very robust pathogen, " Truman says.

别的细菌可引起麻风病和波状热。Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever.

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“这是以前麻风病造成的,”他高兴的说。"This is a sign of advanced leprosy, " he says cheerfully.

麻风病能严重损伤病人的外貌并造成死亡。The disease can severely disfigure victims and cause death.

还有两个坐在迦百农城门口的麻风病人,他用手摸了摸他们,就治好了他们的病。Also He healed two lepers that were seated before the Gate of

例如我无法想像会有麻风病势利者。I cannot imagine, for exameple, that there are any leprosy-snobs.

黑色的大海渐渐逼近了,白色的飞沫如麻风病人般哀叹着。The black sea came nearer, and the white foam moaned like a leper.

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因其病毒太深,很难断根,且是致命的,所以麻风病也被看作罪的象征。Deep-rooted, ineradicable, deadly, it was looked upon as a symbol of sin.

信仰基督教的麻风病人在饭前唱圣歌。The old lazars who believe in Christ are singing saint songs before having lunch.

楚门阐述道,新大陆上本没有麻风病,是欧洲移民抵达时携带来的。Truman says there was no leprosy in the New World until European settlers arrived.

要正确诊断麻风病需要临床表现与皮肤活检作为支撑。Formaldiagnosis is made based on the clinical presentation and skin biopsy results.

麻风病,又名“汉森病”,由麻风杆菌慢性感染所致,是人类历史上最早被记录在案的传染病之一。Leprosy, or Hansen's disease, is a chronicinfection caused by Mycobacterium leprae.

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明台在途中遇见了一身护士打扮正在宣传预防麻风病的程锦云。Ming Tai on the way met a nurse dressed Cheng Jinyun is promoting prevention of leprosy.

我们必须信赖主,正如12-16节讲他治愈麻风病人所向我们展现的。We must rely upon him to cleanse us as the healing of the leper in verses 12-16 shows us.

目的了解柳州市麻风病基本消灭达标后的防治工作效果。Objective To discuss the precautions against leprosy in Liuzhou City since its eradication.