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没有给她输液,没有给她供氧,没有给她注射针剂,没有急救措施。No drip, no oxygen mask, no injections, no resuscitation.

我觉得这些针剂更像是刀子,它们在刺我、在戳我。I'm pricked and probed by what feels like knives, not needles.

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本发明涉及一种稳定的纳洛酮粉针剂。The present invention relates to a stable naloxone powder injection.

这种疫苗针剂能防范三种病毒,包括猪流感和B型流感。The jab protects against three strains, including swine flu and influenza B.

该机适用于口服液、针剂、试管、眼药水等瓶子贴标。This machine is suitable for processing the bottle label of cuvette, eyedrop etc.

方法应用盐酸氨溴索针剂治疗49例早产儿肺炎患儿。Methods Hydrochloric acid ambroxol was applied to treat 49 premature with pneumonia.

对于庆大霉素过敏的腹泻肠炎患者,用什么针剂治疗?To the diarrhoea enteritis patient of gentamicin allergy , with what injection cure?

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中药针剂归类为西药或中成药?Is injection classify Chinese traditional medicine Western medicine or in officinal ?

功能性闭经怎样用黄体酮针剂治疗?How does functional sex amenorrhoea use treatment of injection of corpus luteum ketone?

目的比较氯硝西泮和地西泮针剂治疗癫痫状态的疗效和安全性。Objective To compare efficacy and safety of clonazepam with diazepam in treating epilepsy.

采用标准加入法,对针剂中的普鲁卡因进行测定,得到满意结果。A standard adding method was used for the determination of procaine hydrochloride injection.

患过敏反应的人有时可用注射针剂以帮助脱敏。People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.

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无论是浸泡的,还是针剂的,又或者是胶囊型的,各种各样的植物都能帮助你对抗压力。Whether as infusions, ampoules, or capsules, dozens of plants of can help fight against stress.

目的探讨甲氨蝶呤冻干粉针剂进行细菌内毒素检查的可行性。Objective To explore the feasibility of test for bacterial endotoxins in Methotrexate injection.

建立了头孢哌酮粉针剂中残留溶媒异丙醇的测定方法。This paper describes a method for determination of solvent residue in cefoperazone sodium for injection.

而无针注射器改善了针剂注射的诸多缺点,并利于紧急救助人员训练及使用。The needle-free injection improved many drawbacks and benefit to the EMT members in training and their usage.

目的观察国产卡铂注射液的疗效及毒性,并与卡铂粉针剂比较。Objective To observe the efficacy and side effects of carboplatin solution in comparison with carboplatin powder.

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我们运用这一体系对某些中药和中药针剂中微量铜的含量进行测定。We used this system to determine the contents of trace copper in some tablets and injections of Chinese medicine.

目的观察双黄连粉针剂辅助治疗小儿肺炎的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effect of Shuanghuanglian injection in assisted-treatment of infantile pneumonia.

本发明是一种草乌甲素脂质体冻干粉针剂及其制备方法。The invention provides a bulleyaconitine A lipidosome freeze-dried powder injection and a preparation method thereof.