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李大钊结婚后就住在东厢房北面的正房。Lidazhao lived in the main room, north on the east wing after his marriage.

正房叫作是爪哇鸟的巢,其中一个最优秀的品质在世界上。Burung are Javanese bird's nests, and one of the finest qualities in the world.

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这些工人许多住在正房,但一些住在附近的城镇。Many of these workers lived in the main house, but some lived in the nearby town.

正房叫作是爪哇鸟的巢,其中一个最优秀的品质在世界上。Sarang Burung are Javanese bird's nests , and one of the finest qualities in the world.

小屋自成一体,只有一间卧室,位于正房后身,离大海只有几码远。This separate one-bedroom cottage, located behind the main house, was just a few yards from the sea.

那里有龙岩、城邑民俗村、正房瀑布等。There are Dragon Rock, the urban villages with their folk customs, Waterfall of the principal rooms, etc.

戴家院子在上世纪90年代还保存完好,惜后来拆掉堂屋正房进行了改建。The mansion had been well preserved even till 1990's, while the central room was dismantled for reconstruction later.

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即刻两个人影出现,快速进了还醉轩当先的一间正房中。Instant two personal eclipses arise and immediately entered still and inebriate Xuan in front of a positive creating in.

四合院是以正房、东西厢房围绕中间庭院形成平面布局的传统住宅的统称。Quadrangle is Jeongbang things rooms around the courtyard between the traditional layout of a plane residential collectively.

院内坐北朝南的房子叫正房,东西两边为厢房,坐南朝北的称倒座。Hospital south of the house sitting Jeongbang called East and West on both sides for the room, sit down Southern North Block said.

另外两个客房挨着正房,不仅有着自己的私密空间,也能比较容易地到达公共空间和水池。Two additional guest rooms are situated next to the main building, enjoying privacy but also easy access to the common areas and pool.

在这个干净的正房里弥漫着苦艾和汗酸的味儿,隔板后面,不知谁的强壮肺部发出均匀的鼾声,神像前面点着一盏红玻璃罩的神灯。The front room, where a red lamp was burning in front of the icons, smelt of wormwood and perspiration, and some one with mighty lungs was snoring behind a partition.