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也会敲锣打鼓的舞龙灯。There are dragon dances with drums.

靠敲锣打鼓抓不到兔子。Drumming is not the way to catch a hare.

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村民们敲锣打鼓放鞭炮The villagers beat drums and lit firecrackers

村民们敲锣打鼓放鞭炮。The villagers beat drums and lit firecrackers.

在中国,人们在逢年过节时会敲锣打鼓。In China, people may play the gong and the drum during the traditional festivals.

四处可听见敲锣打鼓、烟花爆竹之声。Gong striking, drum beating, and firecracker shooting can be heard here and there.

人们敲锣打鼓,欢呼雀跃,摇旗呐喊着“欢迎!" Beating drums, clanging cymbals, jumping, dancing, and waving banners, they shouted, "Welcome!

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大伙吃饭时被门外的敲锣打鼓声吸引,大家分分走出门外看热闹。All meals are outside the sound of drums and gongs to attract people, points out the door to watch.

因此,他们采用把红对联贴在门上、放鞭炮和敲锣打鼓的方法来驱赶“年”。So they put red couplets on their gates, set off firecrackers and beat gongs and drums to drive "Nian" away.

每到春节,人们喜贴春联,敲锣打鼓,张灯结彩,辞旧迎新的活动热闹非凡。Every Spring Festival, the preferred couplets, pounding on drums, decorated, crowded with New Year's activities.

周六是农历春节,这天在北京演员身着戏服敲锣打鼓舞起了狮子。Performers dressed in lion costumes dance at a Spring Festival Saturday in Beijing to ring in the Lunar New Year.

在车祸中被救助的老人带着女儿敲锣打鼓地来到部队给宝贵送锦旗。In the car accident was beating drums to rescue the old man with a daughter give valuable pennants came to troops.

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我们不会要求你们按部就班并敲锣打鼓的宣告这个世界需要转变。We are not asking you to step on a bench in a town square and declare in a loud voice that the world needs to change.

重要的是,菲茨杰拉德选择了敲锣打鼓地为他的出场大造声势,却在介绍时偃旗息鼓般地悄声低语。Significantly, Fitzgerald opts to trumpet his presence with a lavish fanfare and then introduces him with barely a murmur.

从那以后,每到冬天最冷的时候,人们就敲锣打鼓、放鞭炮来庆祝年的死亡。Since then, on the coldest day of winter, people beat drums and gongs, and let off fireworks to celebrate the death of the monster Nian.

比赛一般以村为单位组织参加,同村人便在两岸敲锣打鼓呐喊助威。Competition generally organizations to participate in the village as a unit, then the two sides drums and gongs with the villagers cheer.

他们与中国春节相关的一些传统是敲锣打鼓来赶走霉运和恶灵,并在元旦包红包给小孩子。Some traditions related to Chinese New Year are banging gongs to drive away bad luck and spirits and giving money to children on January 1.

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选出了村长,村民们就给他献上一朵红纸花,人们还到他家门口敲锣打鼓。When a village head is elected, the villagers present him with a wreath of red paper flowers. A troop with gongs and drums serenades him at home.

尽管古人在腊八当天举行祭祀活动,敲锣打鼓以驱邪消灾,然而,是佛教把腊八变成了真正的节日。Although ancient people held sacrificial ceremony and beat drums to drive out pestilence on Laba it is Buddhism that really takes it as a festival.

乐曲表现了我国人民在传统节目里热闹欢腾,喜气洋洋,敲锣打鼓载歌载舞的情绪。This piece of music presents the joyful and happy gaiety when people spend traditional festival by depicting the scene of dancing, singing and drums playing.