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您是否要在新页面中套用自动格式?Do you want to apply autoformat in new slide?

套用运算子到产生的数字。The operator is applied to the resulting number.

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将字型的设定套用到所有的插件上。Attempts to apply the font settings to all addons.

滑鼠捕捉会套用至项目的树状子目录。Mouse capture is applied to a subtree of elements.

将套用到所有旧迷你游戏。That will apply to all the old mini-games as well.

套用一句广告俗语,那就是“出卖色相”。And, to quote an old advertising adage , sex sells.

找不到用户自定义的自动套用格式选项。That user-defined autoformat option does not exist.

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请为您要套用效果的影像选择宽与高。Please choose the width and height of the resulting video.

授权规则会按由上至下的顺序套用。Authorization rules are applied in order, from top to bottom.

套用线性梯度表示,云从一个中等至浅灰色。Apply a linear gradient that goes from a medium to light grey.

同样的评价可以套用到随这张专辑诞生的音乐录影带。The same might be said of the music videos born of this album.

使用「板金预设」将型式套用至板金零件。Use Sheet Metal Defaults to apply styles to a sheet metal part.

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在这种情况下,也许并没有现成的经验可以套用。In such cases, there may be no codified experience to draw upon.

如果您重新加入该特定使用者,这些规则将不再套用。Those rules will no longer apply if you re-add that particular user.

您可以将该资讯套用至要处理的项目。You apply that information to the element that is to be manipulated.

令人难过的,这并不真的能套用于非产品性的软体开发。Sadly, this doesn't really apply in non-product software development.

如何决定要套用什麽到S曲线的纵轴上?How would one determine what to map on the vertical axis of an S curve?

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"套用一句话,'笨蛋,问题在杠杆,"史蒂文斯在2003年时写道."To coin a phrase, 'It's the leverage, stupid,'" Stevens wrote in 2003.

这款游戏套用了智能手机上竞速游戏的标准控制方式。This game uses a fairly standard control scheme in smart phone racing games.

范例的这一部分会将棋盘式样式套用至背景。This section of the example applies a checkerboard pattern to the background.