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清晨那如烟的雾。The smoky morning haze.

在你们的某个清晨You know, your morning.

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我吻别清晨的时光。I kiss the morning good-bye.

比清晨的天空还澄净。Whiter than the morning sky.

来日诰日清晨我没有能正在里里吗?Can't I stay outside tonight?

这天是吉姆布伦南的生日,8月潮湿的清晨,外面花园的鸟鸣声让他惊醒。It is Jim Brennan's birthday.

从清晨到夜晚,我的朋友。From morn to night, my friend.

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2010年秋天一个清晨的麋鹿。Elk early morning in fall 2010.

清晨青草叶上的露珠。Dew on the grass in the morning.

每个五月清晨,就为你取乐For thy delight each May-morning

星期一清晨,温暖无雨。Monday dawned warm and rainless.

我会在清晨翻丅床。I'd roll outta bed in the morning.

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在你的玉肤,犹如清晨的露珠。Sits on thy skin like morning dew.

我应该说是在我的某个清晨So this is a story about my morning.

清晨,咖啡可以提神醒脑。I need my coffee to wake up my brain.

有一个酒吧的老板在清晨二点锁上店门,然后回家睡觉。A bar owner locked up his place at 2 A.

在孟买,现在是清晨4点,十分凉爽。It's 4am in Mumbai and the air is cool.

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一天清晨机遇来了。The opportunity came early one morning.

他目睹了清晨浴胤室的镜子里。Witness this morning's bathroom mirror.

冬天的清晨像水晶一样干净。The winter morning was clear as crystal.