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另设对照组。There was a control group.

右股骨作为对照。Right femora acted as controls.

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研究方法病例对照研究。Methods Case-controlled research.

病例对照研究。Study Design. Case-control study.

学生自我检查后,再对照黑板检查。Listen again and check the answers.

同例对照右肺基本正常。The right lung as control was normal.

我把这些对照写在这里。And I've written those parallels here.

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设计病例对照临床研究。Design Case-controlled clinical trial.

可依检测报告逐一检查对照。Follow detection report check control.

那轮船与蔚蓝的大海形成对照。The ship contrasted with the blue sea.

正常雄性大鼠作为对照组。WKY was experimented as control group.

听,打对勾,整体对照。Please listen and tick the right words.

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的果寡糖,以基础日粮组作为对照组。Control group was fed with basal ration.

以空质粒转染组为对照。Null vector transfection as the control.

对照组的果蝇没有接受蔓越莓提取物。Control flies didn't receive the extract.

选取正常胰腺组织10例为对照。And 10 cases of normal pancreases tissues.

左侧胫骨未作手术为正常对照。Left tibiae remained untreated as control.

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下面是聪明狗和笨笨狗的排行表,对照一下,看看你的宠物宝贝上榜了没!There is a list of the smartest dogs ever!

并设空白对照D组不予任何黄体支持。And control group D with no luteal support.

另设空白对照组。Set up the blank contrast group separately.