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玩具陀螺。Toy gyro.

拿一个陀螺。Take a top.

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陀螺在旋转。The top is spinning.

这是我的陀螺。This is my toy gyro.

这里有个陀螺。And I have here a top.

想象一个陀螺的上部。Think of a spinning top.

陀螺又一次向球请求。The top asked the ball again.

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看到见玩具陀螺吗?Can you see my toy gyro? Yeah?

这是一个很小的陀螺。It's a teeny-weeny little top.

我先向你们展示我的陀螺。Let me show you the toy gyro first.

本船配备有陀螺罗经。She is equipped with a gyrocompass.

轮子,陀螺和地球都是旋转体。Wheels, tops, and the earth rotate.

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旋转的陀螺正在失去动量。The spinning top was losing momentum.

用陀螺罗经检查锚位。Check anchor position by gyro-compass.

经常核对陀螺罗经和磁罗经航向。Check Gyro and Magnetic courses frequently.

此陀螺运动叫做进动。This gyroscopic motion is called precession.

你有没有感觉到紧张得像一个陀螺一样?Have you ever felt tense like a wound up toy?

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然后他们轮流转动陀螺。Then they take it in turns to spin a dreidel.

介绍硅微机械陀螺的研究。Silicon micromechanical gyroscope is introduced.

最后给出了光纤陀螺对转台角速率测试的下限。And the minimum angular rate of the test was given.