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这个小小的救护站开始发生变化。The little life-saving station grew.

曾经的大面积的居留地,现在竟没有学校,也没有救护站。Once large settlement now has no school and aid station.

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它逐渐演变成一个俱乐部,然而又一个新的救护站建立了。It evolved into a club, and yet another life-saving station was founded.

救护站是在小白桦树林边塔了三个卷着边的帐篷。The ambulance station consisted of three tents, pitched at the edge of a birch copse.

比赛那天,还有6,000名志愿医护人员布置在38个救护站。Among the more than 6, 000 volunteers on race day are medical workers at the 38 aid stations.

许多年过去了,新成立的救护站又经历了过去那个救护站遇到的相同变化。As the years went by, the new station experienced the same changes that had occurred in the old.

后备军人们把安德烈公爵抬到林边,那儿停着几辆大车,救护站就在那儿。The militiamen carried Prince Andrey to the copse , where there were vans and an ambulance station.

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比赛中出现肌肉拉伤,一般要退出比赛,进入救护站进行治疗。If muscle strains during the race, one usually quit the race and goes to medical staff for treatment.

火力支援连的连长盖多中尉也在战斗中负伤,他正在临时救护站中。Lieutenant Gaidot, commander of the support company, is also wounded and present in the medical post.

每个救护站有水,佳得乐,厕所,医疗设施和获得亚军的辍学车辆。Each Aid Station has water, Gatorade, toilets, medical facilities and access to runner drop-out vehicles.

其后我们探访台北市永吉消防高级救护队的救护站,见识救护车及救护电单车的最新设备。We later visited an ambulance depot, and were shown the latest equipment in ambulances and ambulance motorcycles.

沈阳野生救护站将各地送来的“病号”治疗痊愈后,再将它们发生。Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, then will they happen.

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沈阳野生救护站将各地送来的“病号”治疗痊愈后,再将它们放生。Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, and put them to set free.

在上次来的时候,其间一个救护站的人打来电话,他告诉我所有的规章制度。In the middle of all this the phone rings – it is someone from the ambulance depot who tells me all the rules and regulations.

1986年该镇得到了建立两个应急设施的安全拨款。每个设施都把救护站、消防队和警察所合在一起。It has secured funds to erect two emergency facilities in 1986, each of which will combine ambulance, fire, and police services.

计划于九龙寨城公园加设游乐场、凉亭、露天茶座、救护站、石春路等。Students proposed to add more facilities in the Kowloon Walled City Park , including playground, pavilions, open cafeteria and first aid station.

澳大利亚蝙蝠救护站和野生动物创伤中心主任崔西威伯利和其它动物保育员们在过去的一周内在黄金海岸共救助了130只蝙蝠孤儿。Australian Bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Centre director Trish Wimberley and her carers have helped save 130 orphaned bats on the Gold Coast in past weeks.

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比赛中若出现小腿抽筋应该马上减慢速度逐渐停下来,然后进行小腿处理如按摩和揉搓抽筋部位,如不能缓解应到救护站处理。When calf spasm happens during the race, athletes should slow down gradually and stop, and then rub the spasm place. If it is not effective, please go to the medical station for treatment.