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我要洗心革面,向前走,选择人生。I am cleaning up and I am moving on.

嘿老师,告诉我你怎样让学生洗心革面的?Hey, teacher, tell me how do you respawn the students?

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陶艺家兼设计师奥利詹森已经决定洗心革面。Ceramist and designer Ole Jensen has cleaned up his act.

她现在洗心革面了,坚强一些了,并且已经戒了毒。She’s a different person now, stronger and free of drugs.

我已经洗心革面,继续前进,一直向前,选择生活。Im cleaning up and Im moving on, going straight and choosing life.

出狱后,他决心洗心革面,重新做人。After released from prison, he was determined to turn over a new leaf.

他向我保证他将洗心革面,重新做人。He promised me that he would stand in front of me, a thorough new man.

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而且银行业洗心革面的改革规模,也绝对不可以太迷你。Yet the scale of the change sweeping over banking should not be minimised.

当我再次醒来,我希望我发现我已经洗心革面开始了新的生活。When I woke up again, I hoped that I would find myself a fresh person with a new life.

我希望有一天,法兰西能够脱胎换骨,洗心革面,将这不义之财归还给被抢掠的中国。I hope that a day will come when France, delivered and cleansed, will return this booty to despoiled China.

新年总是伴随的新的能够性一同到来,我们都把新年看做是一个洗心革面的机会。The New Year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal.

他说,如果当娜愿意嫁给他,他就是这世界上最幸福的人了,而且他从此会洗心革面,做到最好。He said if she"d marry him he"d be the happiest man in the world and he"d put the right foot forward from now on.

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但这件事不同,我觉得如果我们以她使用这个新名字来表明洗心革面,那么我们两个人都会给人非常虚伪的感觉。This wasn’t the same thing, and I thought we’d both look phony if we presented her new name as a change of heart.

新年总是伴随新的可能性一起到来,我们都把新年看做是一次洗心革面的机会。The new year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal.

“洗心革面的”西斯瑞文在回溯最初寻找星际煅炉的道路时,绝地观察员紧密监视着他。Jedi observers closely watched Revan as the "reformed" Sith traced the path blazed during the initial search for the Star Forge.

炫目金色淡色爱尔啤酒,会让你感觉有些开心,神经质,洗心革面,朋克式的感觉。选用大量麦芽和流行的西番莲水果酒花酿造而成,让你无法抗拒。A titillating, neurotic, peroxide, punk of a pale ale. A compulsive malty body with a sassy passion fruit hop proves too much to resist.

这项举动受到历史学家和犹太团体的欢迎,他们之中的许多人不相信法国愿意洗心革面正视它在二战中的所为。The move was welcomed by historians and Jewish groups, many of whom have expressed disbelief at France's unwillingness to face up to its actions.

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相比西方国家,日本社会更像一个集体式的大家庭,在这个国家里,承认犯罪通常被视为洗心革面重回社会的第一步。In a country more inclined than the West to think of itself as a big family collective, admission of guilt is often seen as the first step to readmission into society.

中国人一而再的善意日方不但没有投桃报李,洗心革面地对过去所犯的战争罪行做出反省,还厚颜无耻地声称所有指责俱属诬蔑。Not only did the Japanese not reciprocate the friendly gesture of the Chinese by making remorse over the war crimes, it declared shamelessly that all accusations on them were only mud-slinging.