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然后你出现了。Then you appeared.

它们为什么会出现?Why do they occur?

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景气状况周期性地出现。Booms run in cycle.

但到现在蝙蝠还没有出现。But so far no bats.

我看东西出现双影。I see things double.

一艘船出现了。A ship hove in sight.

在两项中都出现了。That appears in both.

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将有机器人出现。There will be robots.

但它们将会出现。And show up they will.

但你出现了。But then you appeared.

会如此出现在审判日。Come on Judgement Day.

利马出现在1535年。Lima appeared in 1535.

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现在三者都已经出现了。We now have all three.

将出现一个文本框。A text box will appear.

后雾灯出现故障。Rear fog light failure.

在249页出现了。This is the top of 249.

出现紧急情况时就用这个!Use it in an emergency!

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但是窘境也出现了。But here’s the quandary.

这个湖周围的地方出现了新面貌。The land the lake a new.

这将出现一个新表单。A new form should appear.