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他们在他们的网站上声称他们拥有38只。They claim on their Web site that they have 38.

另外,针对上声的特点提出了一种改进的基音平滑算法。This paper describes a new method of using those parameters.

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静寂中突然响起的脚上声使她感到毛骨悚然。The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold.

阳平和上声的声调变化却几乎一样。Yangping and Shang tone's tone sandhi can be considered the same.

当然经济学家往往在预测精确性上声命不佳。Economists, of course, are not famed in general for forecasting accuracy.

而机门关上后的锁上声,以及抵达时的响声也是。So is the door locking up sound when closed, as well as the arrival chime.

他们的东温哥华候选人在竞选小册子上声称他生于加拿大!Their candidate in East Van claimed in his pamphlets that he is Canadian-born!

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本文采用实验语音学的方法和优选论这一音系学理论对北京话上声变调现象进行了详细的描述和分析。Phonetic experiment and OT analysis are both used in this thesis to have a comprehensive study on third tone sandhi in Beijing Chinese.

另外,在重音位置上,上声还有把重音突显的职责转移到其他非上声的音节上的趋势。The paper also concludes that there is a trend that the tone 3 may transfer the stress prominence to the other tones in the stressed places.

本文给出一个变分表达式,它适用于自由表面和金属化表面上声表面波传播与散射分析。A variational expression of angular frequency ω2 is proposed for surface acoustic waves propagating on both free and metallized surfaces of piezoelectric crystals.

双字调中阴平、阳平和上声三者相混淆,是巴基斯坦留学生习得汉语双字调的难点所在。What's more, the first, second and third tones are easily confused among Pakistani students, which is the key problem for them while acquiring Chinese bisyllabic-tone.

“平去声调”相当于北京话的阴平、阳平、去声,“上声调”相当于北京话的上声。Its "Even-Going Tone" is equivalent to the High and Level, the Rising and the Falling Tones, and its"RisingTone" equivalent to the Falling-Rising Tome in Beijing speech.

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掌握轻声词汇,进一步掌握上声变调,运用课文对话询问和回答姓名和国籍。Grasp the neutral tone words, further study on the modulation of the 3rd tone, make dialogues of inquiring about name and nationality with sentence patterns from the text.

其中,用脉冲频谱合成方法,计算了双探头发-收复合声场声轴上声压分布,据此对最大值的出现位置给予了物理解释。In theoretical analysis, we calculate the sound pressure distribution on the axis for transmitting and receiving complex field, using the pulse frequency spectrum composition method.

然而,就在赛季开始之际,雷德特纳普用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·迪福和彼特·克劳奇,中介在第67分钟的时候将基恩替补上声。But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.

许多爸爸们戴着耳塞,这是必须的,因为据说在单向乐队的演唱会上声音高达122分贝—远远超过最高安全级别的85分贝。Many of the dads were wearing earpieces, which makes sense as decibel levels at a One Direction concert have reportedly gone as high as 122 – considerably more than the maximum safe level of 85.