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我为了找更高之职位,而请求去职。I left the position with the desire of improving my position.

由于所服务的公司解散,只好去职。I left the office on acount of the discontinuance of the business.

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本人去职的缘故原由是希望在广告业方面有所成长。my reason for leaving the company is that i wish to get into the advertising business.

若是你的告退筹备时刻充沛的话,你的去职也会很轻松,交接工作也会很顺遂。If you take some time to get ready, before you quit your job, you will be set for a smooth transition.

然而美洲国家组织最后不肯为秘鲁的选举结果背书,终使藤森在无法应付内外交迫的严峻情势下去职。Finally, the reluctance of OAS to endorse the presidential election of 2000 in Peru forced Fujimori to resign.

标致雪铁龙本年宣布,布置经由过程提迟到休和自觉去职将员工数量淘汰4,800。The company announced this year that it plans to trim head count by 4,800 through early retirement and voluntary departures.

玉财抓紧机会劝她去职总的JOBLINK寻求协助,却被玉万以没面子拒绝。Jade goods total JOBLINK seek assistance, grasping the opportunity to persuade her dismissal was jade than to face rejection.

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这项抵制与总统巴波涉及的暴力事件有关,巴波在去年11月选举失利后,国际压力就要求巴波去职。The boycott is related to violence said to be tied to President Gbagbo, who is under international pressure to step down after losing elections in November.

为李昌平祷告。他原是一政府公务员,因写信给总理揭露贫困农民的惨状而被迫去职。Pray for former official Li Changping, who was forced out of his job in Hubei for writing a report to the Premier exposing the desperate plight of poor farmers.

采用奖金轨制的公司,好比法令或金融公司,也会在第一季度做营业额的预算,由于良多人员城市在拿到年度奖金之后去职。industries that use a bonus structure, like legal or financial firms, also anticipate turnover during the first quarter, because some employees leave after collecting their annual bonus.