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十月金秋,不见不散!See you this October!

一到金秋,满山枫叶降红。One to autumn red fall leaves Manshan.

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克里米亚,金秋时节森林中的瀑布。Autumnwaterfall in the forest of Crimea.

金秋十月,诱人的美食在等着你!In October, enticing food waiting for you!

金秋,无疑是桂花最香。Autumn, is undoubtedly the most sweet osmanthus.

金秋硕果丰满园,感谢大家心里甜。Golden plump fruit garden, thank you sweet heart.

金秋时节,不少旱生植物正值花期。Fall season, a time when many flowering plants dry.

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金秋十月,雅箸餐厅为您带来色香味俱全的全新自助餐。In Azur , our chef will bring in "color" to the Azur Buffet.

金秋十月,莫泽尔河谷阳光闪烁,美不胜收。The golden autumn found the Mosel valley gorgeous in the sunshine.

金秋十月,国旗招展,举国同庆。Autumn in October, the national flag fluttering, national jubilation.

北京的金秋是最好的时节,我们何不在这个周末去野餐呢?Autumn is the best season in Beijing. Why don’t we go for a picnic this weekend?

在这个金秋的九月,菊花盛开,它使人们想起这个故事。In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale.

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在金秋十月我们迎来了国庆节,也是祖国母亲的60华诞。In golden October we ushered in the National Day, is also the motherland 60 birthday.

金秋八月,我又闻到了桂花香,它勾着我呀,拽着我呀。August autumn, I smell the sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, it round me, pulling me.

到了金秋十月,是红橙成熟的季节,树上挂满了果实。To the autumn in October, is the season of red-orange mature, trees covered with fruit.

当我们在金秋十月的一个早晨来到宏村时,我们都被它的美惊呆了。When we arrived in autumn Hongcun one morning in October, we were stunned by its beauty.

谁将是金秋唯一黄袍加身的王?谁将是永远金碧辉煌的魂?Who will be the only golden rule as emperor of the king? Who is always resplendent soul?

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金秋十月,丹桂飘香,各种水果的香味在空气中弥漫。Autumn in October, Tan Kwai fragrance and a variety of fruit aroma in the air was filled.

金秋十月,正是收获的季节啊,我都连续加班一个多月了。The golden October is for ingathering , and I have worked overtime for more than a month.

主会场前的稻穗,象征秋天喜获丰收,用音乐庆祝金秋的来临。Dropping ears of rice at the main performance site promising another good harvest this autumn.