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你的生活现在就正发生着什么。Your life is happening now.

在中国,80后出生的似乎就正处于这样一个浪子状态。In China, people born in 1980s are just rollin' stones.

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这歌曲很漂亮,就正如皇甫自己一样。The MV along with the track is beautiful, much like the artist herself.

这间屋子有一个很高的窗户,那天夜里窗帘没拉上,而我就正对着窗户。There was a lone window in the room, and that night the curtains were pulled back.

这间屋子有一个很高的窗户,那天夜�窗帘没拉上,而我就正对著窗户。There was a lone window in the room, and that night the curtains were pulled back.

只要我们先进球,我们就能取胜-现在我们就正以1比0领先于他们。When we score before them, we always get a result — and, at this moment, we are winning 1-0.

实际上,由于这是一个博客,光是阅读这些文字你也许就正冒着很大的风险。In fact, being that this is a blog, you might be taking a serious risk just reading these words.

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用爱来替代这些负面的情感吧,你就正走在通往和平的路上。Replace those negative feelings with love and you're halfway towards resolution of any conflict.

这是因为在野营园地正有一窝浑身污浊的狐狸入驻,而我就正睡在自己的袜子里。This was because there was a family of mangy foxes stalking the campsite and I slept in my socks.

果特网和保守媒体的区别就正在于果特网能够更快地发送和接收音讯。The Internet is different from traditional media in that it sends and receives information faster.

不制定这些严格的标准,我们就正会掉入电脑化的旋涡。Without creating those rigid standards we'll just be caught up In the whirlpool of computerization.

当她不忙着宠爱她的八哥犬伊里丝时,她就正忙着想念伊里丝了,因为那时她正在全球旅游。When she's not busy spoiling her pug Iris, she's busy missing Iris because she's traveling the globe.

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有些药品生产商就正像对女性更年期那样,没命地向你推销这个吓人的概念的解决方案。As with the female menopause, some drugs manufacturers are keen to offer solutions for this frightening idea.

在工作中,你要全面地考虑各个方面,并且就正方面给出建议。At work, you’re expected to consider all options thoroughly and make a recommendation that includes pros and cons.

华中师范大学二年级学生,18岁的杜敬琳就正为买送礼物而发愁。Du Jinglin, an 18-year-old sophomore at Central China Normal University, is bothered by all the gifts she has to buy and.

海的巫婆就正坐在这儿,用她的嘴喂一只癫蛤蟆,正如我们人用糖喂一只小金丝雀一样。There sat the sea witch, allowing a toad to eat from her mouth, just as people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar.

华中师范大学二年级学生,18岁的杜敬琳就正为买送礼物而发愁。Du Jinglin, an 18-year-old sophomore at Central China Normal University, is bothered by all the gifts she has to buy and distribute.

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小组人员周五称显示出着陆器下方地表的图片可能表明着陆器就正停在几块冰上。Team members had said Friday that photos showing the ground beneath the lander suggested the vehicle was resting on splotches of ice.

那个姓黄的屠夫就正站在这个装满鸡和兔子的笼子的摊子边卖着那些已经切成薄片还留着鲜血的肉。That's where the butcher, Huang, sells her meat, sliced on a blood-soaked cutting board in a stall filled with cages of chickens and rabbits.

如果公司里新的业务团队的工作看起来毫无进展,主要的客户都被挖走了,而他们仍然还没被撤职,那你的工作可能就正处在危机中。If the new business team seems to be spinning its wheels, as major clients jump ship and they are not replaced, your job could be on the hit list.