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因此,碱式氯化锌在日粮中是一种好的锌源添加剂。Therefore, basic zinc chloride could be a good supplemental source of Zn in the diet.

碱式氯化锌是结晶粉末,是一种低污染的矿物元素,不易吸潮也不溶于水。It has low contamination of mineral elements, low hygroscopic and insolubility in water.

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金属锌与盐酸反应产生氢气泡和氯化锌。Zinc metal reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce bubbles of hydrogen gas and zinc chloride.

一些碳被激活或磷酸,氯化锌或氢氧化钾,洗净。Some carbons are activated or washed with phosphoric acid, zinc chloride, or potassium hydroxide.

其中硼氢化锌由硼氢化钾和无水氯化锌反应制得。Zinc borohydride was prepared by the reaction of potassium borohydride and anhydrous zinc chloride.

本文以实验数证据实电池的密封是解决氯化锌型纸板电池贮存性能的关键。The experimental data showed that the battery sealing is the key resolving the storage life of high power battery.

氟碳树脂漆生产过程中,副产氯化锌-甲醇-锌粉混合废液。There is by-product zinc chloride-methanol-zinc dust mixed waste liquid in the production of fluorocarbon coatings.

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介绍了利用锌精矿制备高纯度氯化锌的理论探索和新的工艺条件研究。A new method about the preparation of Zinc Chloride of high purity from marmatite and calcium chloride is introduced.

以杉木屑为原料,采用氯化锌活化法,在真空条件下热裂解制备了活性炭。Activated carbon was prepared from Chinese fir sawdust by chemical activation using zinc chloride under vacuum condition.

介绍了硫酸-氯化锌法聚合松香生产工艺及产品质量情况,并就提高聚合松香质量的途径进行了探讨。This paper introduces the new method of sulphuric acid and zinc chloride to produce polymerized rosin and the product quality.

本文介绍了从含锌废液制取硫酸锌及氯化锌的工艺过程及工艺条件,为减少环境污染提供了一条有效途径。In this paper, the process and conditions from Zn-contained waste liquor to produce Zinc sulfate and Zinc Chloride are introduced.

本试验以浙江临安活性膨润土为原料,采用添加氯化锌改性剂制得改性活性膨润土。Zhejang Linan-produced active bentonite was used as the raw material to produce a modified active bentonite by adding ZnCl2 modifier.

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碱式氯化锌是结晶粉末,是一种低污染的矿物元素,不易吸潮也不溶于水。Basic zinc chloride is made by crystallization. It has low contamination of mineral elements, low hygroscopic and insolubility in water.

研究了微波加热烟杆氯化锌活化法制备微孔活性炭的新工艺。A novel method of preparing micropore activated carbons from tobacco stems impregnated with zinc chloride by microwave heating was studied.

介绍了氯化锌工业生产的现状,提出了一些发展建议和设想,展望了其前景。The present situation of the industrial production of zinc chloride was briefly introduced. Some proposals for its development put forward.

研究了以烟杆废料为原料,在微波辐照和传统加热下氯化锌法制取活性炭的方法。The method of preparing activated carbon from tobacco stems with zinc chloride by microwave irradiation and conventional processing was studied.

研究了以核桃壳为原料,采用氯化锌活化法制取活性炭的最佳工艺条件,并探讨了制备过程中几个主要影响因素对活性炭吸附性能的影响。The optimal condition of preparation of activated carbon from walnut shell by using the zine chloride activation method were studied in the paper.

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以喷金的聚碳酸酯模板为工作电极,采用电沉积法从氯化锌和氯化钾溶液中制得氧化锌纳米棒。Using gold-sprayed polycarbonate template as working electrode, ZnO nanorods were prepared by electro-deposition from a solution of ZnCl2 and KCl.

研究了以黑荆树皮栲胶废料为原料,在微波辐照下氯化锌法制取活性炭的方法。In this paper, the method of preparing activated carbon from waste materials of tannin extract with zinc chloride by microwave radiation was studied.

该工艺采用无水氯化钙和锌精矿为原料经高温下的复分解反应和气化分离可得到高纯度氯化锌。It utilizes the evaporative capacity of Zinc Chloride under lower temperature about 750℃ hence, with this high purity of zinc chloride can be obtained.