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将芒果去皮,将果肉切成条状。Peel the mango, cut it into slivers.

跑道式——很像飞机起落跑道,一丝不留,但剩下一条窄窄的条状毛发。Take everything off but a narrow strip of hair.

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“搪瓷”玻璃,呈棒状、条状和管状,未加工。"enamel"glass, in bars, rods and tubes, unworked.

造型各异、或条状或扁平。Xiang, shape. Modeling different, or strip or flat.

把灯笼椒去核,去子,去蒂,并切成细条状。Core, seed, de-vein and cut the peppers into thin strips.

画作在画廊里一条单独的,长条状的过道展览。The paintings hang in a single, long space in the gallery.

自定义的图形也可以添加到这个条状图形集里。Custom images can also be added to this "strip". fck_strip.

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把面包切成条状,撒上红椒碎,备用。Cut bread into strips. Sprinkle with red pepper. Set aside.

在雾冷淬火条件下,获得了条状贝氏体。Strip bainite is obtained under the condition of fog cooling.

在这些车上,三个条状小窗充当了后侧壁板小窗。On these cars, three slit windows functioned as opera windows.

条状弱荧光在动静期明显,晚期无荧光渗漏。They were obvious at early stage and no leakage at late stage.

聪明的条状太阳镜可以帮助你隐藏身份哦。These clever black bar glasses will help you hide your identity.

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这个清洁条状更便于横条纹清洗的展开。This clean strip makes it easier to start the horizontal stokes.

把肉或家禽切成条状使它有弹性。Cube or cut your meat and poultry into strips to make it stretch.

它的大小跟已在生产的条状太妃糖差不多。It approximated in size to the toffee bars already being produced.

将牛蒡的皮刨乾净,然后牛蒡切成4公分长的条状。Shave away the skin of burdocks . Cut it into a 4cm length's line.

那曲卷的面条为学步儿童提供了大量的条状食物。The curly noodles make a great finger food for gluten free toddlers.

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而影像左端看起来像是黄道光镜像的条状光晕,则可以见到我们银河系的盘面。The band of our Milky Way Galaxy on the left mirrors the zodiacal band.

炸圈饼面团一种未发涨的油炸面团圈,通常成纽绞条状,但也有圆环或长方形的。An un raised doughnut usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs.

尿布上出现绿色或间有绿色条状物的粪便,也是正常表现。Diaper on the inter-green or have green bar stool, the performance is normal.