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整流器滤波不良。Rectifier filter is poor.

算法是去块滤波的灵魂。Algorithm is the soul of deblocking.

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贝叶斯滤波十分的有用。Bayesian filtering is plenty useful.

其中,目标的状态由卡尔曼滤波加以估计。The target states are estimated by a Kalman filter.

中值滤波算法的研究与改进。Research and improvement to median filter algorithm.

为此,提出了一种新型的滤波-逆投影算法。A new filtered back-projection algorithm is proposed.

可以用胶片、全息图和光栅作为滤波片。Film, holograph and grating can be used as the filter.

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还讨论抗干扰滤波设计。It also concerns the interference-free filtering design.

研究对任意亏格三维网格表面的滤波。A new approach for 3D mesh surface filtering is presented.

提出了一种新的均衡器——预滤波式均衡器。A new equalizer called pre-filtered equalizer is presented.

滤波完成一个宏块的周期数为128。Complete processing of a macroblock filtering cycles to 128.

这两种滤波算法均保持了线性方差最小意义下的最优性。It is optimal still in the sense of linear minimum-variance.

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同单传感器情形相比,它可提高滤波精度。Compared with the single-sensor case, its accuracy is improved.

现有压接,焊接,表面贴,电缆和滤波式。Press-fit, solder, SMT, cable, and filtered versions available.

自联想神经网络关键在于特征提取和噪声滤波。The key feature of AANN is feature extract and noise filtering.

卡尔曼滤波即是线性最小方差估计的递推形式。Kalman filtering is the recursive version of ihe first estimate.

这一结论也适用于降阶自适应递归滤波的情况。The conclusion iS suitable for reduced-order adaptive filtering.

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提出一种新的用于压缩散斑噪声的同态滤波算法。In this paper, a new homomorphic filtering algorithm is proposed.

大大减少整个宏块滤波需要的周期数。Greatly reduce the needs of the entire macroblock filtering cycles.

梯形成形算法具备一定的低通滤波能力,梯形上升沿越宽滤波效果越好。Low-pass filtering ability is better when the rising edge is wider.