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他被人看做是一位仁者。He was accounted a merciful man.

“仁者乐山,智者乐水”。Others Mountain, the wise man happy water.

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“仁”的基本含义是“仁者爱人”。“The basic meaning of "benevolence" is love.

以造福世界为宗旨,仁者爱人。The benefit for the purpose, benevolent love.

仁者的责任让他知难而上。Benevolent responsibility to let him go upstream.

仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。Kind people love others, comity people respect others.

所以,作为仁者的一种管理之道,儒家要求统治者“爱人”。" So, as a kind of benevolent management Tao, Confucian rulers asked, "love.

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由此观之,朱自清的早期散文,已然为仁者之文。So it proves that his prose of the earlier stage had become writings of benevolence.

这正可以看作是“知者乐水”而“仁者乐山”的一个重要原因。This is can be seen as "the wise Le water "and" benevolent Leshan "an important reason.

很清楚,既是仁者也是智者,就一定既喜欢山又喜欢水。It is clear that both the benevolent is also wise, they will not only love, once again, like water.

“知者乐水,仁者乐山”是一个深刻的哲学命题。That intelligent person likes water and benevolence person likes mountain is a profound philosophy proposition.

“仁者人也”这一定义之中的“人”是指人的一般性亦即普遍化的人性。As to Humanity, the author takes "human" in the definition of "Ren is human" as the universality of human nature.

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孔子关于“仁”的说法虽多,但其最具有本质意义的说法是“仁者爱人”。The explanation of Confucius' theory of humanity were quite rich, but the most essential one was about benevolence.

科技英语中的定语从句是各种从句中最复杂的一种从句,其翻译方法仁者仁见,智者见智。Of all clauses in EST, the attributive clause is the most complicated and its translation methods are many and varied.

山水别墅,非想象之生存领域,仁者仁安,智者智取。Bing a living place out of imagination, the landscape villas will be the dwelling for the wise and those with humanity.

“仁者乐山,智者乐水”,万佛湖可以说是集“仁”集“智”的自然山水风光。"Leshan benevolent, wise water music", it can be said to WanfoLake is a "benevolence" set "Wisdom" of natural landscapes.

山给人带来敦厚淳朴,安然自足,坚毅忠诚,这是对“仁者”最好的诠释。Hill brings honest and sincere, Enron self-sufficiency, perseverance loyalty, this is a "benevolent" the best interpretation.

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“仁者爱人”,“仁”是关于个人道德修养和处理人际关系的道德准则。"The benevolent love others. " Benevolence is in fact the moral codes regarding self-cultivation and interpersonal relationship.

仁者爱人的主张,在一定程度上肯定了人的尊严和人的价值,这在当时是进步的。Benevolent love the idea, to a certain extent, confirmed the human dignity and human values, which at that time is an improvement.

胸怀广大的人,知道适时进退,这是古人给“仁者”、“智者”所下的定义。" An open mind and who knows timely advance and retreat, it is the ancients to the "benevolent", "wise men" given by the definition.