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我的海盗船行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上。My Black Pearl on a dark desert highway.

他们于一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。They explored this desert region in 1923.

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荒漠和缓流的小溪有多么快乐。To please the desert and the sluggish brook.

但是记忆之花能在这般荒漠中盛开吗?But can memories bloom in a desert like this?

但在沙质荒漠山坡上闪耀着乌黑颜色。But one sandy desert hillside shines jet-black.

是荒漠中漫长水道的守护者?A guardian of long-distance conduits in the desert?

其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.

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在那片荒漠,到处都看不到人家。The deuce of a house could be seen anywhere in the desert.

南地是一片贫瘠的、没有人烟的可怕荒漠。The Negeb was a barren, terrible desert, a lifeless desert.

在石子坡上行进时,我们发现了半荒漠植被。As we moved up the rocky slope we found semi-desert vegetation.

山色是暗红的,土地看上去像是荒漠。The mountains are dark red here and the fields resemble a desert.

一只消化不良的沙拉克把猎人吐回到荒漠。A dyspeptic Sarlacc regurgitates the hunter onto the desert sands.

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双旗镇是西部荒漠上一个孤零零的古老堡子。Double-flag is an old solitary castle situated in west hungriness.

草原带以上高寒荒漠不存在,高寒草旬则有一定发育。Above the steppe zone there is no alpine desert, but alpine meadow.

荒漠之草生生不绝,但春天之花盛放凋零。The desert weed lives on, but the flower of spring blooms and wilts.

位于都兰县诺木洪乡东南方向的一片荒漠地带。Dulan County in Connaught Hung-southeast direction of a rural desert.

当年茂密的森林如今大部分已成了荒漠般的地带。Where there were once lush forests, many places today are desert-like.

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本文对内蒙古荒漠建群及优势植物的丛枝菌根共生状况进行了调查。We collected and studied 76 plant species from desert of Inner Mongolia.

所以到现在为止,人类没有涉足的地方主要是荒漠和苔原。Then as now, people-free wilderness existed mostly in deserts and tundra.

而在这片现实的荒漠中,我们正忙着建造超现实的天堂。In the desert of the real, we are busy building paradises of the hyperreal.