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从那天起,艾博特先生有着热情发明一种新药。From that day on ,Mr.

是关于那种新药的。Its about the new medicine.

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一种新药医好了她的病。She was cured with a new medicine.

例如基于干扰素滴新药。new drugs based on the interferon.

这种新药控制不住癌症。The new drug did not arrest the cancer.

这种新药治感冒疗效更好。This new medicine is better for a cold.

我叫不出那种治疗流感的新药的名字。I can't name that new medicine to the flu.

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这样戴茜就不能制造新药了。So Daisy was not able to make her new drug.

皮拉马尔先生想要创造出有巨大影响的新药。Mr Piramal wants to invent new blockbuster drugs.

一种新药就是一套组织化学物的协议。A new drug is a protocol for organizing chemicals.

目的研究抗抑郁新药马来酸氟伏沙明的合成。Aim To study on the synthesis of fluvoxamine maleate.

这种新药在实验中被用作尿路感染的治疗。The drug is in trials for treating urinary tract infections.

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替米沙坦是一种抗高血压新药。Telmisartan is a new kind of pharmaceutical for hypertension.

而总部位于美国纽约的辉瑞公司正在研发抗击艾滋病的新药。The New York-based Pfizer is developing new drugs to fight AIDS.

该种新药为A3309,靶向体内胆汁酸的循环过程。The drug, called A3309, targets bile acid recycling in the body.

这种新药将会治好你所患的禽流感,别害怕。The new medicine will you of your bird-flu. Don't be frightened.

于是出现了治疗感染性心内膜炎的新药——达托霉素。A new drug was found, daptomycin, to treat infective endocarditis.

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这说明香菇寡糖是极有希望的抗肿瘤新药。Lentinan oligosaccharide is a quite promising new anti-tumor drug.

至今该中心研发的产品共获国家新药证书18个。As yet, this institution has got 18 national new drug certificates.

这种新药证明对基布尔先生的健康有重要贡献。The new medicine proved an important contribution toward Mr. Keble.