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早睡早起。Wake up early.

找一个也能早起的同伴。Find a wake up early buddy.

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早起的鸟才会有虫吃。The early bird gets the worm.

母亲经常早起。Mother practises early rising.

好吧…恩…阿超今早起晚了。I got up too late this morning.

笨鸟先飞,早起的鸟才会捉到虫子。The early birds catch the worm.

早起的鸟捉到虫。The early bird catches the worm.

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早起时为爱人泡杯咖啡或茶。Make coffee or tea in the morning.

早起教会就是这样成长的。This is how the early church grew.

他不惯于早起。He is unaccustomed to early rising.

是喔,可是早起的虫儿被鸟吃啊!The early bird will catch the worm.

我们早起观看了日出。We got up early to behold the sunrise.

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早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

除星期天外,他每天早起。He gets up early everyday except Sunday.

我认为早起是个好习惯。I co ider it a good habit to get up early.

她的父亲吉姆。威尔逊喜欢早起跑步。Her father, Jim Wilson, is a morning jogger.

为什么你决定变成一个早起的人?Why did you decide to become an early riser?

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不再有晚上的熬夜、未苏息的周末、早起的清早。No more late nights, weekends, or early mornings.

但是对我这个懒骨头来说,早起真说着容易做着难。But to me, lazy bones , it's easier said than done.

他的习惯是每天早起然后洗一个冷水浴。His habit was to get up early and have a cold bath.