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里面有红枣和枸杞子。It has jujube and medlar.

若要皮肤好,粥里放红枣。If the skin is good, porridge release dates.

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红枣芹菜根,能降胆固醇。Red date and celery lower blood cholesterol level.

红枣,大米,适量水一起烹饪而成。Dates from cooking together, rice, amount of water.

常吃红枣可使人面色红润,容光焕发。Eating Jujubes frequently can make us look healthy.

我立在一个卖红枣的摊子边等候。I stood by the stall of a seller of dates and waited.

要得皮肤好,煮粥加红枣。Red date boiled in the porridge makes the cheeks red.

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那大红枣、白梨随风抖擞,一派丰收的景象。The big red dates, pears with cheer, a harvest scene.

这些问题和矛盾,影响着吴堡红枣产业化的发展。All above influence the development of Chinese Date industry.

你毕竟还是个喜欢红枣的人,但你吃它的方法错了。After all you still like dates, but you eat it in a wrong way.

红枣是河北的名优特产,河北省有适合红枣生长的气候、土壤条件。The jujube is a famous special local product in Hebei Province.

点了个银耳红枣糖水和马蹄糕。Point of a white fungus and red dates sugar water chestnut cake.

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既然你喜欢红枣,那就不用怕它会“抛弃”你。Since you like dates, that you need not fear it will" throw" you.

一行人聚精会神的听着清涧红枣的发展历程。A line of people are listening Qingjian jujube development intently.

一行人在了解清涧红枣发展历程。A line of people in the know of Qingjian jujube development process.

红枣,补气、润肺,有天然维它命之称。Chinese date is good for your lungs, people call it "natural vitamin".

要先把红枣加砂糖和奶油煮熟煮软,然后做成枣泥酱。The dates are cooked with sugar and butter and then made into a paste.

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将黑木耳洗净,红枣去核,加水过量,煮半个小时左右。Wash the black fungus, red dates, excess water, boil about half an hour.

此刻的你太随便了,既然不爱吃红枣,当初又为何摘了一满篮呢?Now you too freely, since not eat red dates, when and why to pick a basket?

也可在煮沸的水,吃了一碗鸡蛋,红糖,红枣。Can also be boiled on the water, eat a bowl of eggs, brown sugar , red dates.