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这对省府有关部门制定交通政策具有参考价值。These are useful for the provincial governments to formulate their traffic policies.

省府夏洛特镇的居民在大街上开起派对,庆祝禁令解除。Residents of the capital Charlottetown celebrated the lifting of the ban at a street party.

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谷歌公司说这些网络攻击来自位于中国东部地区的一个省府——济南。Google said the attacks apparently originated in Jinan, a provincial capital in eastern China.

袭击的目标是伊拉克司法部以及附近的巴格达省府大楼。The attacks targeted Iraq's Justice Ministry and the nearby Baghdad Provincial Council building.

春武里府距曼谷仅80公里,是东海岸距曼谷最近的省府。Chonburi Province, only 80 kilometers from Bangkok, is the nearest province on the East Coast to Bangkok.

很明显,除了学费收入增加,省府自身对专上教育的投资也在日益增加。And the province is increasing its own funding for universities dramatically, in addition to the tuition revenue.

在遇难者当中有六人是在波哥大和中继省省府比亚维森西奥之间的高速公路上丧生的。Among the dead were six people killed on a highway linking Bogota and Villavicencio, the provincial capital of Meta.

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建于1855年,在1860年成为德兰士瓦省的省府,在1910年成为南非的首都。Founded in 1855, it became the capital of Transvaal in 1860 and capital of South Africa in 1910. Population, 435,100.

在青海省省府西宁市,已有部分出租车拒载藏人。In Xining City, the capital of Qinghai Province, some taxi drivers have started to refuse to take Tibetan passengers.

目前,省府对10千瓦以下屋顶发电系统的电力回购价格已大大降低,新设备的回购电价为每千瓦时38.4分。Today, the payment rate for rooftop project under 10 Kwh has been lowered and pegged at 38.4 cents per Kwh for new installations.

葛源是第二次国内革命战争时期闽浙赣省府所在地。During the Second Revolutionary Civil War period , Geyuan became the provincial government location of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi.

该律师表示,比较起来,还是向省府领取收入的医生,收入较固定及较好,这是毋庸置疑的。The lawyer said, compared to the provincial capital, or receive income physicians, income is fixed and better, this is beyond question.

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附近的卫巷、芙蓉街、省府前街也是“淘”美食的好去处。In addition, the Weixiang Lane, Lotus Street, and the street in front of the Provincial Government are all good choices for those gourmets.

一般是通过您所在城市或者省府的贸易促进会先行认证,所以请先与这些机构联系。The Consul Office legalize the documents which have been done of the Chamber of Commerce in your city or province, thus, contact them first.

一般是通过您所在城市或省府的商业增进会先行认证,所以请先与这些个机构联系。The Consul Office legalize the documents whelloch have been done of the Chamber of Commerce in your city or province, thus, contact them first.

1547年,朱纨受命弹压匪乱,而那些商人在省府有内应,经过策划使朱纨被革职。In 1547 Chu Wan was sent to suppress the insurgency, but the merchants had friends in the provincial government who engineered Chu Wan's dismissal.

这个地区与印度尼西亚其他地区的主要连接方式是一条长约70英里的狭长的公路带,它蜿蜒崎岖地穿过崇山峻岭直达省府城市曼那多。The district's main link to the rest of Indonesia remains a 70-mile ribbon of narrow road that snakes through mountain jungle to the provincial capital, Manado.

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帕尔万省警察总监谢尔·艾哈迈德·马拉达尼表示,17日晚一名宗教领袖在省府恰里卡尔被捕致使民众18日举行抗议示威。Parwan province police chief, said Sher Ahmad, Daniel Mara, 17, an evening of religious leaders led the people arrested in the provincial capital Charikar, held 18 protests.

据杨子晚报报道说,星期一上午江苏省省府南京市的一条地铁施工现场发生坍塌后,有两名工人被埋在了地下。Two workers were buried underground after a subway construction site collapsed in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu province on Monday morning, Yangtze Evening News reported.

省府长沙,历史悠久、商贾云集、交通便利,既是一座有着两千多年历史的文化名城,又是具有较高知名度的时尚之都。The capital Changsha, with its over-two-thousand-year long history, gathered merchants and convenient transportation, is a famous cultural city and also a well-known city of fashion.