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尽早完成。Do it early.

瞧,完成了。There, done.

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恭喜艾薇儿顺利完成巡演!Congrats, Avril!

是的,我可以完成它。Yes, I can do it.

现在已经完成了。Now you are finish.

完成了循环。I'm back here right.

可交付意味着已经完成了。Shippable means done.

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那对我来说简直不可能完成。It’s impossible for me.

用爱来完成每一件事。Do all things with love.

所以我们可以完成这一步。So we could complete it.

工作终于完成了。The job is finally done.

这将完成两件事请。This will do two things.

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是我花了多少次操作来完成这件事?Seven comparisons, right?

你无法独自一人完成这件事。You cannot do this alone.

我们如何来完成呢?How do we accomplish this?

人生是一项要完成的任务。Life is a task to be done.

你能够独力完成吗?Can you finish on your own?

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彻底地完成并扫尾。Completely done and dusted.

我还没完成这个工作。I have not finished it yet.

如果在7日内完成奖金。Bonus if done within 7-days.