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人都有纰缪谬误。Every man has hellos faults.

正确走向极端即成谬误。Extreme right is extreme wrong.

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我会用真理战胜谬误。I shall conquer untruth by truth.

他宣扬谬误,诋毁真理。He preached error up, and truth down.

一切陈腐和谬误的事情现在都是新鲜事儿了。Everything old and wrong is new again.

经验是谬误之树所结之果。Experience is the fruit of the tree of errors.

让我列举你前提中的许多谬误。Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.

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协和谬误的问题我们以后再讨论We'll talk about coordination problems later on.

我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。We'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

它们是仅仅是协和谬误Is that right? They were pure coordination problems.

所谓‘真理往前跨出一步就是谬误’。It is true that 'one step beyond truth is absurdity.

真相会从谬误中呈现出来,就像油必定浮于水上。Truth will rise above false hood as oil above water.

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这个博弈叫"协和谬误"This kind of game is called a "Coordination problem."

你认为你的长处和纰缪谬误是什么?。What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?

加速死亡的十件事真理还是谬误?The accelerated death "ten things truth or falsehood?"

在上帝真光下,谬误无所遁形。To detect error, expose it to the light of God's truth.

语言上的谬误预示着对事实的歪曲。An error in the language presages an error in the facts.

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人们不讲道理,思想谬误,自我中心。People are illogical , unreasonable , and self-centered.

真理到谬误只有一步之遥。There is but one step from the subline to the ridiculous.

第一,协和谬误与囚徒困境不一样One is this is very different from the Prisoner's Dilemma.