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美国控诉中国对原材料设置出口税及出口配额。US accuse China for setting export duties and quotas on them.

免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, duty, impost and fees.

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中国政府已经让人民币加速升值,并且废除了一些出口税的减免政策。Beijing has also let the yuan rise more quickly and has scrapped some export tax rebates.

在免税区开办贸易公司,还可以享受进出口税全免。If you open a trading company in the Free Zone, you can enjoy the exemption of import-export duties.

过去,这受到高额出口税的限制,让人们不愿意向创新投资。Previously this has been hampered by high export tariffs, which have discouraged investment in innovation.

按目前的价格计算,大豆出口税已上升到大约39%,高于以前的35%。At current prices, the export tax on soybeans rose to about 39 percent, compared with the 35 percent levy previously.

但是阿根廷农场主已经承受干旱和惩罚性出口税,是否能如期交货尚不明确。But it is not clear whether Argentina’s farmers, who have suffered drought and punitive taxes, can deliver the goods.

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基什内尔夫妇自去年在对对农业出口税的问题上引起的激烈争议并失败之后便放松了对权力的掌控。The Kirchners’ grip on power has slackened since they lost an acrimonious wrangle over taxes on farm exports last year.

对于中国削减总出口额度、并提高出口税的举动,日本政商领袖均表示关切。Government and business leaders have expressed concerns about moves by China to cut general export quotas and raise export taxes.

通常情况下,处于垄断地位的国家并不会直接抬高价格,它可以对这种商品征收出口税间接提价。Instead of raising the price directly, the country can do so indirectly by imposing an export tax on the product--an export tariff.

蒙古回顾其1997年间加入世界贸易组织时,曾承诺在10年内逐步减少并取消对原山羊绒的出口税。Mongolia recalled that when it acceded in 1997, it had committed to phase out and eliminate an export duty on raw cashmere within ten years.

减少或取消黄麻,茶叶,虾及其他农产品的出口税,促进了农产品出口的持续增长。It reduced or abolished export taxes on jute, tea, shrimp , and other agricultural exports, which helped to sustain growth in agricultural exports.

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政府最近还允许汇率升值稍快以及征收一些出口税来强化它的重新平衡努力。The government also has recently intensified its rebalancing efforts by allowing somewhat faster exchange-rate appreciation and imposing some export taxes.

“世贸委员会的裁定讲明几乎所有中国强加的出口税和出口限制都与世贸规定不符,”一份声明中写道,“一旦这项裁决获准,中国将被要求解除所有对原材料非公正的限制措施。”panel decision clearly stipulates that almost all export duties and restrictions imposed by China are incompatible with W.T.O. rules, ” it said in a statement.

北京已经从8月1日起,削减原本强加给成衣制造商的出口税,中央银行也已经放宽贷款限制,以刺激投资。Already on Aug. 1, Beijing trimmed export taxes imposed on garment manufacturers, and the central bank has eased limits on lending by banks to boost investment.

它可以帮助加强国际协调,如果所有粮食出口国都能无条件地承诺不采取出口禁令或抑制性的出口税的话。It would help strengthen international coordination if all grain exporting countries unconditionally pledged not to apply export bans or prohibitive taxes for exports.

由于冶炼所需的高耗能而征收的出口税,意味着中国生产的大部分原铝——基础、未加工的金属——在国内消费。广州翻译公司。Most of China's production of primary aluminium — the basic, unworked metal — is consumed domestically due to an export tax levied because of the high energy costs of smelting.

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薄熙来谈到了解决纺织品贸易问题的各项措施,包括对纺织品征收出口税、限制纺织业和相关行业的投资以及限制纺织服装业的生产等。Bo cited an export tax on textile products, restrictions on investment in textile and related industries, and limits on production in that sector as steps aimed at addressing the problem.

此外,许多国家也通过降低汇率、摒弃对农业不利的多种汇率制度、取消几乎所有出口税等措施,取消了其他形式的进口限制。In addition, many of these countries eliminated other forms of import restrictions, abandoning multiple exchange rate systems that penalized agriculture, and eliminating almost all export taxes.