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那就是成熟了的桑果。That is, mature fruit of the mulberry.

桑果让我眼花缭乱,我都不知道从哪里开始摘了。Mulberry dazzled me, I do not know where to start from the pick.

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风吹过,桑叶好像在跟我招手,桑果好像在对我微笑。The wind, the leaves seemed to beckon to me, like Mulberry smile for me.

回家了,妈妈把一小部分的桑果放进水里泡。Home mother to a small part of the mulberry fruit bubbles into the water.

啊,我家乡的桑果真是一种美味果品,我爱家乡的桑果!Ah, my hometown of mulberry fruit really is a delicious, I love Mulberry home!

采用该方法对19个果桑品种酿制的桑果酒的异戊醇异丁醇进行了检测。The Isopentyl alcohol and Isobutanol detection in in 19 mulberry varieties were detected.

桑果是国际上第三代水果的热门研究项目,品种多。Mulberry is a popular fruit for the first three generations of research projects, many varieties.

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简要介绍了利用桑果和枸杞加工成复合果汁饮料的生产工艺。The process and key techniques of compound juice of Matrimony-vine and mulberry were introduced in the paper.

本文简要介绍了利用桑果和红枣加工成复合果汁饮料的生产工艺。The process and key techniques of a compound juice of Chinses date and mulberry were introduced in this paper.

呈贡县茶桑果站隶属县农业局下设站所,是全民所有制单位。Mulberry tea station Chenggong County Bureau of Agriculture under the County consists of stations is state-owned units.

初步认为龙椹2号和龙椹3号桑果品质优于野生对照品种。Therefore, mulberry fruit quality of Longshen NO. 2 and Longshen NO. 3 was significantly better than the control varieties.

果桑果实上真菌数量及在贮藏中腐烂率均与果实的成熟度呈负相关。Both of the amount of fungi and the decay rate of the mulberry fruits in the storage are negatively related to the maturity of fruits.

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回到深圳,我会让妈妈买桑果和桑果汁,那酸酸甜甜的味道,总会让我想起那一片桑果园。Back to Shenzhen, I will let my mother buy and Mulberry Juice Mulberry , acid sweet taste that always reminds me that a mulberry orchard.

桑果必须现采现吃,你只有从树上直接采下来,马上吃,或者拿回家去用水洗一洗再吃。Mulberry must now take is to eat, you have only taken down directly from the tree, eat immediately, or take home to eat with washed washed.

此款酒融合了黑莓黑醋栗的香味,又带有一丝辛辣,口感充斥着红桑果的味道和饱满的单宁。The nose is driven by raspberry and blackberry aromas with some spice. An approachable wine with lingering ripe mulberry fruit flavours and rounded tannins.

并延长了桑果供应期,同时使大蚕期错开果桑旺采期,还可利用大棚养蚕。It prolonged the fruit harvesting period and the rushing harvesting period was not during grown larva stage. The green house also could be used for silkworm rearing.

另外,以前报道,红色和黑色桑果含有花色苷,花色苷有显著抗氧化性和清除自由基能力。Additionally, several researchers previously reported that red and black mulberries contained anthocyanins, which have remarkable antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activities.

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已对桑果的营养成分、桑椹红色素及果桑的栽培管理技术进行了比较全面的研究,开发出桑果饮料、罐头、桑椹膏、桑椹酒等产品。Of which, over 60 accessions can be used as fruit mulberry. Comprehensive studies on nutrition components, red pigment and cultivation technology of fruit mulberry have been conducted.

本文阐述了最新研制的桑果破碎机的主要结构、工作原理、性能和操作技术,为桑果汁的开发创造了机械化的加工工具。The structure, principle of operation, function and techniques of operation of the new break machine were explained. It is a mechanization processing tool for the development of mulberry fruit juice.