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他的善意GMH.His kindness GMH.

这就我们说善意的谎言的原因。Heres why we tell white lies.

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我只买我的牛仔裤在善意。I only buy my jeans at Goodwill.

人们随心的善意GMH.People's random acts of kindness GMH

我不知道这些是真的还是妈善意的谎言。I donot know it was ture or a white lie.

杯子是空的,但是它盛满了你的善意。But it was filled with kindness, you see.

这是一个谎言,而且是一个善意的谎言。It was a lie, but a good-intentioned lie.

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愿世界得太平,人间持善意。Peace on earth and good will towards men.

让它稍做休息,向它表示你的善意。Give it a break and show it some kindness.

爱有生有灭,而善意万古长存”。Love comes and goes, but kindness remains.

愿世界得太平,人间持善意。Peace eon earth and good will towards men.

理想主义和善意是不够的。Idealism and good intentions are not enough.

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关于不变法则的一个例子是善意。An example of an unchanging rule is kindness.

我们常常会对他们说,这是“善意的谎言”。Often we tell them what we call "white lies".

我们常常会对他们说,这是“善意的谎言”。Often we tell them what we call “white lies”.

所有这一切都来自于善意的称赞吗?Could all of this come from well-meant praise?

我用善意的行动净化我的行为。With deeds of Loving-kindness, I purify my body.

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非常委屈求全的向中国表示最大善意。Aggrievedly he expressed well intention to China.

你会因这善意的姿态而受益颇多。You’ll both benefit from the gesture of goodwill.

是的,男人所说的所有的谎言并非都是善意的谎言。Yes, all the lies that men say are not white lies.