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是女人的善变,还是另有隐情?。Is womens fickle, or the story?

你生下来带出这世界的隐情。You're born to bring this world affection.

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我怀疑他们的提议另有隐情。I suspect there is a catch to their proposal offer.

公开的档案也包括从未公开的隐情。The public archives, too, contain undiscovered stories.

重要的是,这个手势提醒了你事有隐情。The point is that it alerts you to something that is being withheld.

或许,“尹”字更趋向于通“隐”字,其中的隐情,字里行间没有记载。Perhaps, "Yin" tends to be "hidden", the reason is not recorded, between the lines.

乍看上去这只是一桩普通的抢劫案,其实里面也许另有隐情。It looks like a simple case of burglary, but there may be more to it than meets the eye.

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足见卞福汝主教也偶尔有过他的政见、他的苦闷、他的隐情。Thus Monseigneur Bienvenu also had his hour of party spirit, his hour of bitterness, his cloud.

南俊跟他姑姑研究这则事件时觉得很不对镜,决定有隐情。Jun south with his aunt research that the event feel very wrong mirror, decided to have secrets.

病人,任何病人,都有权要求医生尊重他的隐情,有权不吃一个多嘴饶舌的医生的亏。A patient, any patient, is entitled to have confidence respected, to be protected against a gabby doctor.

起初记者以为店家只是想照单卖货,后来发现其中另有隐情。Initially shop owner would like to think that reporters are only sellers, and later found another reason.

因为我很不理解这件事情为什么不及时处理,难道这其中有什么隐情?Because I do not understand why this matter is not disposed in time, is it there are any other hidden reason?

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他不能够承认维罗妮卡在他的生活中复活了,因为这牵扯到要承认他们以前的隐情。He could not confess Veronica’s revival in his life, for that would entail confession of the earlier liaison.

情报机构使用软件进行大规模的数据采集,发现和跟踪可能的恐怖隐情。Intelligence agencies do large-scale data mining with software to uncover and track potential terrorist plots.

然而在表相之下,却隐藏着极为曲折的隐情。It is however under watch photograph, however the facts one wishes to hide with very labyrinthian under cover.

尽管军方的此类行动很容易遭人嘲笑,但这种露骨的干涉后面却另有隐情。Although it's easy to laugh at such military manoeuvring, there's a dark underside to such blatant interventions.

但是那个隐情是对立面的党派,必须有一个同样的机器或者知道那个密钥。But the catch is that the party on the other end of things has to have that same machine or know that same number.

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若非如此,穷苦的农民就会冒险隐情不报,继续售卖那些本应被扑杀的家禽。Without this, poor farmers will be tempted to hide bird-flu outbreaks and continue to sell poultry that should be culled.

而孙悦现在的病情却遮遮掩掩,语焉不详,其中或许另有隐情。But the Sun Yue present's condition actually covers up, insufficiently detailed, perhaps in addition has the secret facts.

终于丽川的眼睛治好了,建斌到了该离去的时候,而小慧也终于得知了建斌一直说不出口的隐情。Finally Yeocheon eyes cured, Jianbin to the departure time, and Xiaohui Jianbin has finally learned not say the hidden secrets.