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休伦湖作为一条水路。Lake Huron as a waterway.

生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

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他们将打水路去香港。They'll go to Hongkong by water.

一些人由旱路来,一些人从水路来。Some came by land and some by water.

我们乘船经水路去旅行。We took a ship by waterway to travel.

冬天经由水路不能到达我们的农场。Our farm is inaccessible by boat in winter.

由上海到武汉可以走水路。One can travel from Shanghai to Wuhan by water.

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用于海上及内陆水路运输。Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

“人”形的造型,寓意水路两栖,神通广大。"Human"-shaped form, symbolizes amphibious, resourceful.

它是一种水路两栖载具,所以配备有绞盘和水炮。It's an amphibious vehicle, which has a winch and a water cannon.

横跨在小水路上的临时竹桥遍布孟加拉国。Makeshift bamboo bridges span small waterways all over Bangladesh.

现在公路已经取代了水路,尽管有些道路还只建成一半。Roads have now replaced the river, though some are only half-built.

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勇士部落城堡的水路,家族对抗战在相近结束。The Waterways of the Perion Castle. The Guild Quest ends near here.

水路运输比陆路运输发展得更快。Water transportation developed much faster than land transportation.

常年不结冰的黄浦江是上海主要的水路通道。The ice-free Huangpu River is the main waterway in the Shanghai area.

水路锦江河直达北江汇入珠江。Jinjiang River water directly to the North River into the Pearl River.

再次五彩纸屑和乘空气来的流者,然后规范经水路。Again confetti and streamers to come by air and then the canons by sea.

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1892年7月6日,平克顿侦探社通过水路靠近霍姆斯特德工厂。The Pinkertons approached the plant by river on barges on July 6, 1892.

由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻击。We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.

与多瑙河水路相连接的新住宅将拔地而起。New residences with a connection to the Donau waterway are to be created.