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以期对粮食生产的保产、增产有所帮助。Hope it would help to increase grain yield.

我们必须把房子收拾停当,以期我们的客人随时入住。We must get the house ready for our guests.

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或是继续经营,以期浴火重生。or keep trading in the hope of resurrection.

1885年,诗人以期拉庞德出生在爱达荷州。In 1885 , poet ezra pound was born in hailey , idaho.

我们双方都必须努力工作以期实现双方认为有必要的变革。We have to both work on where we feel change is needed.

教学中应选取适当的方法和程序实施,以期取得理想的效果。To achieve a good result we should try it in a proper way.

通过这些研究,以期增加人们对德沃夏克钢琴作品的了解。The analysis increases people's understanding to Dovorak's works.

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政客会来此求得护身符以期在选举中获得更多选票。Politicians show up to receive amulets for good luck at the polls.

研究了圆铃大枣绿枝扦插育苗技术,以期为生产提供指导。The purpose of this study was to provide direction for production.

以期对道路夜空间和景观理论方面进行了新的探索。It may be a new step in theory of road night-space and nightscapes.

以期为VA菌根的进一步研究提供有参考价值的资料。It can provide valuable data for studying of VA mycorrhizae in China.

他们花时间在晒黑床上以期皮肤颜色变深。They spend time in tanning beds in hopes to making their skin darker.

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以期对语言得体性问题做一个整体性的阐释。Expect to do a piece of explanation of globality to the proper language.

与此同时,世界上其他的国家正在联合起来以期对中国的出口施以压力。At the same time, the rest of the world is ganging up on Chinese exports.

谁会站出来带领球队前进以期反超?Who would be able to steer the team forward in order to stage a comeback?

以期对九江市城市垂直绿化工作提供参考。It aimed to provide scientific basis for vertical greening of Jiujiang City.

去年就有85.5万名美国人注射了肉毒杆菌以期使他们的脸蛋变得更年轻。Last year, 855,000 Americans had Botox injections to freshen up their faces.

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对于这类企业,政府选择放弃所有权要求、以期获得更好的经营结果。The state has thus forgone ownership in an effort to achieve better results.

以期能对挫折承受力教育起到一些现实的影响。I hope they can have some real impact on the frustration tolerance education.

同时,他们还在搜寻海床,以期找到爆炸发生的原因。They are also searching the seabed for evidence of what caused the explosion.