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你如何看待男人的“小姨子情结”?How do you think of the men's "sister-in-law complex"?

我哥在他小姨子的婚礼上喝多了。My brother got pickled at his sister-in-law's wedding.

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我想,小姨子也因此成了“研究员助理”。分享到。I also think it makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants".

偶想,小姨子也因此成了“研究员助理”。I also think it makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants ".

如果他把那种对小姨子的喜欢转化为亲情,仅仅是像关心妹妹一样是无可厚非的。I have sister too, she married a man who love she very much last year.

喝过茶以后,赫斯脱先生提醒她的小姨子把牌桌摆好,可是没有用。When tea was over, Mr. Hurst reminded his sister-in-law of the card-table -- but in vain.

这次减员有没有他去年调来的那个管总务的小姨子?The attrition have last year he transferred to the charge of the general affairs sister-in-law?

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她走上前去,伸出一只手让他握,说话声流露出做小姨子的深情厚意。She methim with a hand that would be taken, and a voice that expressed theaffection of a sister.

1999年的今天,小约翰.甘迺迪和妻子及小姨子加入了那个行列。On this date in 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr. , his wife, and his sister-in-law were added to that list.

大千世界,无奇不有,对于男人这种“小姨子情结”你是如何看待的呢?There are lots of odd things in the boundless world. How do you think of the men's "sister-in-law complex"?

中国已婚的男人,心下也许是暗存着“小姨子情结”的,我不同意这么说。It is acknowledged that the married men will have the hidden "sister-in-law complex". I don't agree with it absolutely.

格兰特博士说他不舒服,不放他太太来,可他那漂亮的小姨子不相信他有什么病。Dr. Grant, professing an indisposition, for which he had little credit with his fair sister-in-law, could not spare his wife.

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最后,尤玛阿的小姨子跟外甥女前往停尸间探视他的遗体,因为女性比较不会受到攻击。Finally, Juma'a's sister-in-law, Wafa, and niece went to the morgue on the grounds that women are less likely to be attacked.

酒宴散后,赵怀安父亲来信,信中写道,皇上的小姨子素素要去天台县祭祖,让儿子把握机会。After the banquet, Zhao Huaian wrote a letter from my father, the emperor's sister-in-law to Tiantai Susu worship, let the son to seize the opportunity.

我可以毫无犹豫地说,只要你待在这儿,每逢她赏脸请我们作客的时候,总少不了要请你和我的小姨子玛丽亚。I have scarcely any hesitation in saying that she will include you and my sister Maria in every invitation with which she honours us during your stay here.

王永来的妻子和小姨子对路透社说,当局计划拆掉王永来不久前在自家农田里为儿子建的房子,说那是非法建筑。Mr. Wang's wife and sister-in-law told Reuters that authorities planned to demolish a house Mr. Wang had recently built on his farmland for his son, alleging that it was illegal.