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爷爷上台,把小女孩摇醒。My little girl, wake up.

我准备好上台表演了。I'm ready to be on the stage.

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一个中年妇女上台演讲。A middle-aged woman was speaking.

四人小组上台介绍图片,评出导游小组。It's time to choose guide groups.

同样地,一般人都会恐惧上台演讲。Fear of public speaking is common.

再让学生四人一组用自己的真实姓名上台表演。Act out the dialog with your own names.

我一上台就紧张,舌头也开始打结。I got stage-fright and became tongue-tied.

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他一上台就怯场。He'll bottle out when he goes on the stage.

实际上中国并没有修正主义上台。In fact, there was no revisionism in China.

那请三位同学上台来画。Invite three students to draw on the blackboard.

鞋子或卫生习惯不上台面的,甩无赦。If his shoes or hygiene are a disgrace, dump him.

周家赌场开业,孙谦领着百灵上台表演。Weeks casinos opened Sun Qian led the lark stage.

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你原来是个不上台盘的人!You obviously don't know how to behave in public!

后台,演出服刚穿好,准备上台了。Backstage, just got dressed bout to hit the stage!

好的政客上台后与民分忧。Good politician solves the problems of the people.

乐队上台的时分,瞧众都象发疯了一样。When the band came on stage, the crowd went psycho.

本周日本首相再度易人,鸠山下台,菅直人上台。The prime minister of japan changed again this week.

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在一场腥风血雨的内战之后,他们于1975年上台执政。They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.

红果和白雨也上台来帮特殊突围。Red fruits and BaiYu also took to help special Sally.

指挥上台,鞠了一个躬,顿时全场鸦雀无声。The conductor enters, takes a bow, and all is silent.