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他是一个黄金矿工。He was a gold miner.

恰尔肯德邦的一个矿工。A coal miner in Jharkhand.

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小徐的父亲是矿工。Xiao Xu's father is a miner.

矿工们在地下劳动。Miners work under the ground.

矿工发起了一场歇工。The miners launched a strike.

矿工从泥土里提取黄金。A miner extracts gold from earth.

被救的智利矿工都是谁?。Who are the rescued Chilean miners?

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矿工们在这件事上是一条心的。The miners were solid on this issue.

矿工们成群结队地回家了。The satisfied visitors trooped home.

矿工从泥土里提炼黄金。A miner extracts gold from the earth.

想想那些矿工,木匠,士兵。Think miners, carpenters, and soldiers.

矿灯巩固在矿工的头盔上。A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet.

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邻居们相互抚慰,相扶相依。“我很自满来自一个矿工的家庭。”I am proud to be from a family of miners.

他叫汤姆,是一位大个子,花白头发的矿工。He was a big, grey-haired miner named Tom.

矿工约翰生产了10盎司黄金。John the miner produces ten ounces of gold.

很多球员都没有参加对矿工的比赛。Lots of players didn't play against Shakhtar.

王家岭剩余32名矿工的救助进入关键时刻。Rescue effort for 32 miners in crucial phase.

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斯卡吉尔在1981年成为全国矿工工会的主席。Scargill became president of the NUM in 1981.

矿工们在井下静坐罢工,以要求增加工资。The miners are staying down for pay increase.

矿工们往往从矿源较丰富的地方入手。Miners dig in the better parts of mines first.