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这趟公共汽车中途不停。This is a nonstop bus.

我可以在芝加哥中途下车吗?Can I stop over in Chicago?

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他中途让一个搭便车的人上了车。He picked up a hitch-hiker.

我们都中途下车到一家酒吧去。We all stopped off at a bar.

中途要停留多长时间?How long will the layover be?

中途可以下车吗?Can I stopover with this ticket?

我可以中途下车吗?Can I stop over with this ticket?

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不要中途换马。Don't change horses in midstream.

中途汽车发动机坏了。The car engine packed in mid-way.

马车夫中途停车喂马。The drayman whipped on his horse.

您的目标有没有中途变卦?Did your goals change in midstream ?

园坑池,中途,犹他州。Homestead Crater Pool, Midway, Utah.

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这车中途不站。This bus makes no stops along the way.

在跑马拉松的中途我就放弃了。I give up halfway through the marathon.

他们中途在爱丁堡停留过夜。They stopped off overnight in Edinburgh.

我们中途要在旧金山停留吗?Will we have a layover in San Francisco?

让鄙贱的乌云中途把我侵袭。To let base clouds o'ertake me in my way.

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我们在日本只有两小时的中途停留。We only have a two-hour layover in Japan.

顺便提一下,此次航班还要中途停留加油。By the way, it also makes a refueling stop.

乘旅游车前往拉斯维加斯,中途停站于厂直销店。Coach to Vegas with stop at factory outlet.