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双色调的皮革和纺织上限。Two-toned leather and textile upper.

也就是说房屋的租价上限远远高于汽车。The price ceiling is just much higher.

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有些人,甚至专业的,也不会去玩这种无上限的牌。Some people, pros even, won't play no-limit.

上限是由球面给出的。The upper bound will be given by the sphere.

丹吉洛拉塞尔作为球员的上限会是什么样子?What is D'Angelo Russell's ceiling as a player?

他们认为没有上限的牌局才是真正的牌局。Who consider no-limit they only pure game left.

一直以来,我们都说我们将有一个供应上限。All along we said we would have a supply ceiling.

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原因之一在于水的供应有着绝对的上限。One reason is that the supply of water is finite.

对于拨号上网的用户,1MB的上限仍然管用。For users on dial-up, the 1MB limit still applies.

过去提高国债上限是例行公事。In the past, raising the debt ceiling was routine.

反堕胎的议员们要把这上限降到22至20周。Pro-life MPs want the limit cut to 22 or 20 weeks.

这些选民中的许多人并不希望提高债务上限。Many of these do not want the debt ceiling to rise.

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快速单元的上限,在短短一个季度反过来收紧。Quick-snap cap that tightens in just a quarter turn.

此类签证的数量没有上限。There would be no cap on the home-buyer visa program.

家用机平台上的在线玩家上限是多少?What is the max amount of players online for consoles?

天使们与超级天使们不容易不喜欢不加上限的券据。Angels and super-angels tend not to like uncapped notes.

当你一月二日低于上限,你可以不讲。When you're 1-2 levels below the cap, you can do without.

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这可以练习提高你的阅读上限。This can help train your upper speed-limit reading speeds.

如果这一上限得不到提高,将产生极其严重的后果。There will be dire consequences if this limit isn’t raised.

奥地利的相应安全上限为100微克。Austria's corresponding safe limit is set at 100 micrograms.