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那是我的专利发明。It's my patent.

汽车在1885年被发明。The car in 1885.

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从那天起,艾博特先生有着热情发明一种新药。From that day on ,Mr.

这是他的专利发明。It is his patent device.

小汽车是什么时间发明的?。It was invented in 1885.

数码像机是什么时候发明的?It was invented in 1975.

哦,这是我的发明。Oh, this is my invention.

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所以这就是我们的发明。So this is the invention.

他发明了一种制丝新法。He invented a smart story.

发明了老二皮的保险套?I made a dick-skin condom?

詹姆士发明了自行车。James Starley invented it.

谁发明了那个概念?Who invented that concept?

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是谁发明的左轮手枪?Who invented the revolver?

尝试发明你自己的指法。Invent your own fingerings.

是蔡伦发明的。It was invented by Cai Lun.

查克罗礼士发明了水。Chuck Norris invented water.

是谁发明的左轮手枪?Q6 Who invented the revolver?

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谁发明了苹果皮勒?。Who Invented the Apple Peeler?

他发明了两用收录机。He invented a few-way recorder.

他发明了两用收录机。He invented a two-way recorder.