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它是人工混合出来的对吧Is it concocted?

什么是安全的人工合成物?What are safe synthetics?

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你能驾驶人工换挡的车吗?Can you drive a stick shift?

这是一个人工建造的游泳场。It is a manmade bathing beach.

他用人工热使它成熟。He ripens it by artificial heat.

人工养鸭塘一类的勿扰。Artificial duck ponds do not count.

但您必须人工执行这些输入。But you have to type this manually.

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通过故事板演示使用表单的人工任务Storyboarding human tasks using forms

人工鱼礁增殖技术中有好多急待解决的问题。There are a lot of problems to solve.

这些丹顶鹤啊,都是人工饲养的。These birds are all raised by humans.

我们的人工成本怎么这么高啊?Why do we have such high labor costs?

人工运河、排水渠、壕沟。Canals and drainage channels, ditches.

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以黑豆为原料,经人工去皮得到黑豆皮,并测定了去皮率。The peel rate of black bean peel is 3.

都是人工精心磨制出来的。They were all finely polished by hand.

人工智慧?我的老板?开玩笑。Artificial intelligence? My boss? Joke.

人工圈支持着生物圈。The technosphere supports the biosphere.

长时间运行的流程中的人工活动Human activities in long-running processes

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在“惊险区”有一条人工河。In Adventureland there's a man-made river.

修筑道路还需要人工劳动。Building roads still involves manual labor.

人工任务管理器和业务流管理器Human Task Manager and Business Flow Manager