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他在装腔作势。He puts on airs.

你尽可以装腔作势地说,“我能通神,可惜你不行.”I’m sorry that you can’t also.

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当有男人在四周时她喜欢装腔作势,故作姿态。She loves to pose when men are around.

人们在一英里之外都可以闻到装腔作势的人的气味。People can smell a poser from a mile away.

别再装腔作势,好好听听我说的话。Stop mouthing and listen to what I have to say.

他们是装腔作势的人,实际上从来不写任何东西。He's a poseur and never actually writes anything.

行为特点是自吹自擂,装腔作势。Behavior characteristic is self- dramatizing , mincing.

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是一种女性化,装腔作势地接近小说。it's a kind of feminized, mincing approach to the novel.

他们责骂他是一个沾沾自喜、装腔作势的人。He had been railed against by them as a prig and a poseur.

双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态令我作呕。The posturing before the camera on both sides repelled me.

双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态令我作呕。The posturing before the camera on bothe sides repelled me.

与西班牙大多数的老板不同,罗伊先生不会装腔作势。Unlike most Spanish bosses, Mr Roig doesn't mince his words.

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在这个阶段,大呼小叫和装腔作势都将减少。In this phase, the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

人们装腔作势地说我对他们的行为挑三拣四,而这样的行为仅仅是因为我的行为方式与众不同。People assume I’m judging them, just because I do things differently.

在新约时代,法利赛人专爱装腔作势的祷告。In New Testament times, the Pharisees were pros at pretentious prayers.

这一法案往好处说顶多是毫无意义的装腔作势,往最坏处看是危险的蛊惑人心。The bill is at best pointless posturing and at worst dangerous demagoguery.

我发现作者的关于饮食的严格观点是装腔作势和有害的。I found the author’s strict notions about diet condescending and destructive.

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我们应该承认巴黎心甘情愿让无耻在那儿装腔作势。Paris,--let us confess it--willingly allows infamy to furnish it with comedy.

参与者在镜头面前装腔作势,根本不专注于手头应做的工作。The participants played to the cameras rather than focusing on the task at hand.

他将成为某种虚伪的、装腔作势的傀儡,徒以老爷的身份示人耳。He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib.